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Creation scientists fully acknowledge natural selection as a mechanism of biological change.

At the same time, they believe that natural selection only acts upon genetic information that already exists. Natural selection does not create new information. The variability that created the Galapagos Finch differences, as well as all the different Dog Breeds thus already existed in those populations.

Natural selection alone cannot "make microbes into men." Although evolutionary biologists agree that natural selection does not introduce new genetic information, they concur the second mechanism of evolution, random mutation, DOES introduce new information both through gene duplication and by altering gene function, as has been observed.

[Part of a specific article on the creationist website "WikiCreation" deals with this question. Please refer to the attached link for the article.]

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Q: What do creation scientists say about natural selection?
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What is the unit of natural selection?

The unit of natural selection is the individual organism. Natural selection acts on the genetic traits of individual organisms that affect their survival and reproductive success in a particular environment.

What is natural selection and does it contradict creation?

Natural selection is the process by which organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive and reproduce more successfully. It is a key mechanism of evolution. While some religious beliefs may see natural selection as conflicting with the idea of creation, others believe that natural selection can be compatible with the concept of a creator using this process to bring about diversity in life forms.

Evolution say the world was created how?

Evolution does not propose that the world was created. Instead, it explains how life forms have changed and adapted over billions of years through natural selection and genetic variation. The theory of evolution is focused on the development of life on Earth, not the creation of the Earth itself.

What animals have evolved through natural selection?

Many different species have evolved through natural selection, including finches, peppered moths, giraffes, and bacteria. Natural selection is a key mechanism in evolution that favors traits that improve an organism's chances of survival and reproduction in its environment.

What do scientists mean when they say that species is the only natural rank in classification?

When scientists say that species is the only natural rank in classification, they mean that it is the most fundamental level at which organisms can be classified based on shared characteristics and reproductive compatibility. Species represent distinct evolutionary lineages that can interbreed and produce fertile offspring, making them a cohesive unit in biological classification.

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What do creation scientists today say about the main problems in Darwins theory of evolution?

Creation scientists today argue that some of the main problems with Darwin's theory of evolution include the lack of evidence for transitional fossils, the complex structures in living organisms that seem to defy gradual accumulation through natural selection, and the origin of genetic information required for new traits to evolve. They challenge the validity of natural selection as the sole mechanism for evolutionary change.

What does natural selection evolution and adapation have in common?

say hhi It does not It does not

What level does natural selection occur at?

natural selection occurs when animals need it

What does natural selection eliminate from populations?

Natural selection is a term that, if you stated it fully, would say something like "The fittest individuals are naturally selected for reproduction." Unfit organisms do not survive to reproduce and pass on their genes.

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What you say is highly speculative. There are indeed scientists that consider this kind of possibilities, but this is not something that is generally accepted by mainstream scientists.What you say is highly speculative. There are indeed scientists that consider this kind of possibilities, but this is not something that is generally accepted by mainstream scientists.What you say is highly speculative. There are indeed scientists that consider this kind of possibilities, but this is not something that is generally accepted by mainstream scientists.What you say is highly speculative. There are indeed scientists that consider this kind of possibilities, but this is not something that is generally accepted by mainstream scientists.

What is good about natural selection?

That's entirely a matter of perspective. From a perspective favouring robustness, one might say that natural selection is good because it usually favours the robustness of both individual populations and their ecologies. It allows survival of the fittest. But from a perspective of individual rights, one might say that natural selection is bad because it can deny individuals the right to happiness, reproduction or even life.

What is the process by which individuals that are better adapted to their environment survive and reproduce more successfully?

Natural Selection is a process which individuals are better adapted to their enviorment are more likely to survive and reproduce. Say there are turtles barely hatching and there are hungry seagul waiting to be fed, the fastest ones will make it to the water safely while the slow ones are being eaten. so eventually all the turtles in the sea will become faster to get away from predators. hopefully that answered your question.

How do scientists tie biblical creation in with the extinction of the dinosaurs?

Most scientists do not believe in Biblical Creation, so there is no reason to tie it with the extinction of dinosaurs. However, Creationists often say that humans originally co-existed alongside dinosaurs until the Great Flood, when dinosaurs all drowned.

What is the unit of natural selection?

The unit of natural selection is the individual organism. Natural selection acts on the genetic traits of individual organisms that affect their survival and reproductive success in a particular environment.

Why do people pretend to know how life began?

Some say they know that life began by an act of creation in the recent past. While it is unfair to say that they only 'pretend' to know this, it is a belief largely based on faith.Others believe that the evidence shows that life began many millions of years ago, in early pre-Cambrian times, when the Earth was hot and volcanic. Scientists tell us that life slowly evolved by natural selection to the point we have now. Once again, it would be unfair to say that evolutionists 'pretend' to know this, because there is so much overwhelming evidence in support of evolution.For more information, please visit:

How else can you say scientists say?

scientists believe or accordng to scientists

Who invited apple?

Possibly you meant 'Who invented the apple?' If you believe in God, you could say that he invented apples, otherwise you could say that the apple is the result of natural selection.