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They carry the tens of thousands of traits that are inside you to make you look like who you are.

During sexual reproduction your Parents give you half of each of their Genome; which are copies of theirs.

Some of the traits may be dominant, which shows [are expressed] over the recessive traits.
Chromosomes have genes on them, which are passed down from a parental generation to their progeny.

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10y ago
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3mo ago

Chromosomes are thread-like structures made of DNA and proteins. They contain the genetic information that determines an individual's traits and characteristics. During cell division, chromosomes ensure that each new cell receives a complete set of genetic instructions, allowing for growth, development, and reproduction.

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13y ago

The chromosome is the genetic material that creates almost every part of the cell. Almost every cell in your body is diploid containing two sets of chromosomes. So instead of 23 you have 46 chromosomes, one from each parent. These chromosomes are made up of tightly wound DNA which according to the central dogma of Biology it goes DNA-RNA-Protein. This means that your DNA is the blueprint for the proteins, enzymes, and cellular structures that make each cell unique. This question is a very general one that can get extremely in depth, but I hope that this answer gives you the basic response that you need.

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12y ago

Chromosomes carry genes (genes are short lengths of chromosomes) there are 23 pairs of chromosomes and they each contain alleles (different copies of the same gene) in the same place on each chromomsome.

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15y ago

Chromosomes- DNA, genetic code, determines what the cell becomes or does

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13y ago
AnswerWhat chromosomes do is they carry the information that is then able to make proteins for the body
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13y ago

they carry gene to diffrent cells

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How many chromosomes are your body chromosomes?

We have 46 chromosomes in our body. In each cell, there's 23 pairs of chromosomes.

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Chromosomes are made up of DNA and proteins. The chromosomes help to carry the genetic information throughout the body. There are 23 pairs of chromosomes in the human body.

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A tribble's body cell typically contains 40 chromosomes.

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Cause body cells have twice the chromosomes a sex cell has Body cells have 46 chromosomes and sex cells have 23 chromosomes.

23 P of C in the HB?

"Twenty-three Pairs of Chromosomes in (the) Human Body".

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A grasshopper has 24 chromosomes in each body cell.

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There are 46 chromosomes in your body cells. The egg cells have half the amount of chromosomes as the body cells, so there are 23 chromosomes in the egg cells.

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Horses have 32 pairs of chromosomes in each body cell, for a total of 64 chromosomes.

In your body what do you have 46 of?

Every human should have 46 chromosomes in his or her body. 23 chromosomes come from a human's mother and 23 chromosomes come from a human's father.