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Q: What do bone marrow and the epidermis have in common?
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Is bone a part of soft tissue?

No. Bone is hard (except for the marrow), unlike soft tissues such as the epidermis (skin) and the dermis, among others.

What do red bone marrow and yellow bone marrow have in common?

the red bone marrow produces red and white cells and platelets, while they are found in more children than in adults. The yellow bone marrow consist of fats.

What does the inner layer of skin contain in the immune system?

langerhans cells. They orriginate in bone marrow and migrate to the epidermis.

What do bone marrow and dermis have in common?

Bone marrow and dermis are both a site for new cell formation. I had this question on a quiz, and got it correct.

What is the medical terminology word for inflammation of the bone and bone marrow?

Myelitis is infection or inflammation of the bone marrow. Osteomyelitis is more common - infection or inflammation of the bone and neighboring bone marrow. If these conditions are caused by bacteria, they may be called bacterial myelitis or bacterial osteomyelitis.

What are the two kind of bone marrow?

There is yellow bone marrow and red bone marrow.

What is a bone marrow biopsy?

it is a bone that has a marrow in the middle of the musle that causes the bone to have a marrow biopsy

What are bone marrow made up of?

They are not made up of bone marrow, they just have bone marrow in them.

The substance inside the bone that makes blood cells?

Bone marrow.

Can Lymph capillaries be found in the muscles?

Yes they can be found in the muscles.They are also found in the epidermis,bone marrow and dermis. They are not found in the central nervous system.

What tissue produces erythrocytes?

bone marrow

What is the relationship between bone and marrow?

Marrow is inside of a bone that's why it's called bone Marrow