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The Amundsen-Scott South Pole station is a series of buildings that includes dorm areas, cafeteria areas and work areas. During the busy summer season, these activities can take place in tents.

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Q: What do South Pole people live in?
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Why do people live at the south pole today?

nobody lives at the south pole, only scientists doing research.

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Walruses do not live at the South Pole, or on Antarctica.

Do people live at south pole?

There are people living in south pole. They are scientists and engineers working on projects. They do not stay there forever, just while working on their projects.

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Bears do not live at the South Pole or, on Antarctica.

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The question makes no sense, the areas are one and the same

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They have a long dark winter. During the southern winter (March-September), the South Pole receives no sunlight at all. The people who live near the south pole are scientists and they carry on with their scientific activities during the winter.

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People living in South America would be closer to the South Pole.

Do penguins live in the north pole?

No, penguins do not live in the North Pole. Penguins are primarily found in the Southern Hemisphere, especially in Antarctica, South America, Africa, and Australia. The North Pole is home to polar bears, seals, and Arctic birds, but not penguins.

Can people live on the south pole?

Yes. The Soviet Russians do it all the time.

Why do penguins live in the north pole?

they don't they live in the south pole

Why aren't polar bears in the south pole?

They aren't in the South Pole because it is in the Antarctic where it is cold, where they can survive and live. So if they did live there they wouldn't live very long. Think about if you lived in the Antarctic as a polar bear but you were still you, you would freeze.Further information:In fact, there are no animals that live at the South Pole. Many people consider that the South Pole is the same as the Antarctic, but in fact the South Pole is just a theoretical point in Antarctica. This question will answer what creatures live in the Antarctic, as no animals actually live at the South Pole, being too far inland for any animals to survive there. The Antarctic itself is a desert, and no animals live in the Antarctic desert.

What exists in the north pole and south pole?

Polar Bears live in the North pole, but penguins don't.Penguins live in the south pole. Not many insects can survive at those temperatures, but there is one tiny insect that can survive at the south pole.