Both Alaska and Hawaii consist of volcanic islands located over hot spots, which are likely the result of mantle plumes.
They occur at plate boundaries (Pacific rim "Ring of Fire") or at mantle hot spots (Hawaii, Iceland).
Most rocks with a basaltic composition are typically found in oceanic crust, such as the ocean floors and mid-ocean ridges. Basaltic rocks are also common in volcanic regions like Hawaii and Iceland.
well types of volcanoes are shield volcano, composite volcano, and cinder cone volcanoes. the most common type of volcano is the cinder cone volcano.
Hawaii doesn't have boundaries - the sea around it Hawaii is a unique place geologically as at is formed by a hot spot. Most islands are found on tectonic plate boundaries such as Iceland (spreading centre) and the Aleutian Islands (subduction zone). The hot spot under Hawaii is in the middle of a crustal plate where volcanism occurs.
iceland is BIGGER because the ice will keep growing and growing making it the most biggest until hawaii gets a volcanoe to erupt to make bigger land iceland will be the biggest
iceland is in the northern Atlantic ocean. Hawaii is located in the mid-pacific. they are about 10,800 miles apart, no they are not near each other.
Yes, you can actually.
No. Surtsey is a volcanic island near Iceland.
There three major airlines that provide flights to and from Iceland are Iceland Air, Scandinavian Airlines, and Finnair. The one that is most used and common is Iceland Air.
In addition to Iceland and Hawaii what else on earth do you think people courage geothermal energy What if HDR became economical?
Those grass dresses and coconut bras. Hawaii stole it off them
They occur at plate boundaries (Pacific rim "Ring of Fire") or at mantle hot spots (Hawaii, Iceland).
no, not since 1918. Denmark and Iceland had a common King until 1944 when Iceland once again became a republic.