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Hiv aids.

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2w ago

Diseases that can spread through liquids include influenza, HIV, hepatitis B and C, and cholera. It is important to practice good hygiene, such as washing hands regularly and avoiding sharing personal items, to reduce the risk of spreading these infections.

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Q: What diseases spread through liquids?
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How are infrctious diseases spread?

Infectious diseases are spread through various means such as direct contact with an infected person, respiratory droplets when someone coughs or sneezes, ingesting contaminated food or water, or through vectors like mosquitoes or ticks. Some infectious diseases can also be spread through blood or bodily fluids.

Viral diseases can be?

Viral diseases can be transmitted through direct contact with an infected person, through respiratory droplets, or via contaminated surfaces. Common examples of viral diseases include the flu, common cold, and HIV. Vaccinations are an effective way to prevent the spread of viral diseases.

What did Louis Pasteur discover in 1856?

In 1856, Louis Pasteur discovered that heating wine and other liquids can kill harmful bacteria, leading to the process known as pasteurization. This discovery helped improve food safety and decrease the spread of infectious diseases through contaminated beverages.

Difference between airborne and waterborne diseases?

Airborne diseases are caused by pathogens that are transmitted through the air, such as through coughing or sneezing, while waterborne diseases are caused by pathogens that are transmitted through contaminated water sources. Airborne diseases include influenza and tuberculosis, while waterborne diseases include cholera and giardiasis. Both types of diseases can spread rapidly, leading to outbreaks.

Are all infectious diseases spread the same way?

No, infectious diseases can be spread through different modes of transmission such as respiratory droplets (e.g. flu), fecal-oral route (e.g. norovirus), sexual contact (e.g. HIV), and vector-borne transmission (e.g. malaria). The specific mode of transmission depends on the pathogen causing the disease.

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What diseases are spread through sharing cups?

There are many different diseases that could be spread through sharing cups. These diseases could include blood and oral diseases.

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How do gastrointestinal diseases spread?

Through kissing

What are communicable diseases and non communicable diseases?

Communicable: can be spread through a community (contagious) Non-Communicable: not spread with contact (usually genetic)

How can hamful microbes spread?

they can be spread through human contact. This includes sexual contact, hands and coughing. A way of remembering how they can be spread is " coughs and sneezes spread diseases" they can be spread through human contact. This includes sexual contact, hands and coughing. A way of remembering how they can be spread is " coughs and sneezes spread diseases"

How are infrctious diseases spread?

Infectious diseases are spread through various means such as direct contact with an infected person, respiratory droplets when someone coughs or sneezes, ingesting contaminated food or water, or through vectors like mosquitoes or ticks. Some infectious diseases can also be spread through blood or bodily fluids.

What pathogens cause diseases that are often spread through water?

A Protozoa

Which diseases do they spread?

Everything can spread diseases. What, 'which' are you concerned about?

What is called a disease which spreads from one person to another?

A disease that spreads from one person to another is called a communicable or infectious disease. These diseases are caused by pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, or parasites that can be transmitted through direct contact, contaminated surfaces, or through the air. Examples include the flu, tuberculosis, and COVID-19.

How are diseases spread from person to person?

by just breathing it through the air and other ways to

How are most diseases usually spread?

Most diseases are spread by germs.

What are three ways in which diseases can be transmitted?

Diseases can be transmitted through direct contact, such as touching, kissing, or sexual intercourse. They can also be transmitted through indirect contact, such as touching a contaminated surface or object. Additionally, diseases can be spread through vector-borne transmission, where insects or animals carry and spread the disease to humans.