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Unlike xylem (which is composed primarily of dead cells), the phloem is composed of still-living cells that transport sap. The sap is a water-based solution, but rich in sugars made by the photosynthetic areas. These sugars are transported to non-photosynthetic parts of the plant, such as the roots, or into storage structures, such as tubers or bulbs - predominantly a downward movement from the leaves.

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13y ago
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2mo ago

Phloem transports food from photosynthetic tissues to other parts of the plant by using pressure gradients and specialized cells called sieve tubes. These sieve tubes distribute sugars and nutrients throughout the plant for growth and energy.

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14y ago

From where the sugar is made in the leaf to all the parts of the plant.

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15y ago

Xylem does not conduct food. It conducts cell sap from roots to aerial parts of plants.

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12y ago

the pholem flows down

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11y ago

upward into the leafs .

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Q: Which way does the phloem transport food?
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Which tissues transport food in the plant?

The tissues that transport food in plants are called phloem. Phloem is responsible for the translocation of sugars, amino acids, and other organic molecules produced through photosynthesis from the leaves to other parts of the plant, such as roots, flowers, and fruits.

The transport tubes for food coming down the plant are called?

Phloem tubes are responsible for transporting food, mainly in the form of sucrose, downward from the leaves to other parts of the plant. These tubes run parallel to xylem tubes, which transport water and minerals.

What is the name for the tubes on a stem that carry food?

The tubes on a stem that carry food are called phloem. They transport sugars and other organic compounds produced by photosynthesis from the leaves to the rest of the plant.

What do vascular tissues provide for plants?

Vascular tissues in plants, like xylem and phloem, provide support and structure for the plant, transport water, nutrients, and sugars throughout the plant, and help in the storage of food and water. They play a crucial role in maintaining plant structure and facilitating growth and development.

How does the direction of transport differ in xylem and phloem?

In xylem, the direction of transport is usually upwards from the roots to the shoots, driven by transpiration and cohesion of water molecules. In contrast, in phloem, the direction of transport is bidirectional, with sugars and other organic nutrients moving both upwards (source to sink) and downwards (sink to source) in the plant.

Related questions

How does the structure of xylem and phloem vessels differs microscopically?

differ in such a way that xylem transport water while phloem transport food and nutrients

Phloem is to food transport as what is to water transport?


What carries food materials away from the leaf?

The Phloem. ~ As it is the two way transport system in a leaf.

Which tubes in a vascular plant transport food?


What cells in a plant transport the food?

xylem & phloem

How food transport in plants?

food is transported through phloem....root get food through obsorbtion of water..then food is transported through a tissue name phloem

What are phloem tubes?

Phloem tubes are the tubes in the plant transport that transports food from the leaves to the other parts of the plant

What are the fuctions of xylem and phloem?

Xylem transport water from roots to aerial parts of plant while phloem transport food from leaves to roots and in spring from roots to buds.

Which tissues transport food in the plant?

The tissues that transport food in plants are called phloem. Phloem is responsible for the translocation of sugars, amino acids, and other organic molecules produced through photosynthesis from the leaves to other parts of the plant, such as roots, flowers, and fruits.

Do vascular seed plants with flowers contain xylem and phloem to transport water and food?

Yes, vascular seed plants with flowers have xylem and phloem to transport water and nutrients. Xylem carries water and minerals from the roots to the rest of the plant, while phloem transports food produced through photosynthesis to different parts of the plant.

Does Xylem transport food?

Yes. Xylem transport water from roots to aerial parts of plant while phloem transport food from leaves to roots and in spring from roots to buds.

The vascular tissues that transport water minerals food and nutrients are the and .?

1. xylem2. phloem