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There are rules for various aspects of life, such as societal rules (laws), organizational rules (policies and procedures), social rules (etiquette), and personal rules (values and principles). Each type of rule serves to guide behavior and interactions in different contexts.

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Q: What different fules are there?
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What are bio fules?

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Are different fossil fules buried in different parts of rock Or is it the same place?

It's the sme place. Yuor welcome

3 different uses for fossile fules?

Providing heat, generating electricity and as fuel for transport.

The number -4 is both an integer and a rational number true or fules?

True (whatever fules may be).

Fossil fules are made from?

plants and animals

What fules do you use in present?

fossel fuel

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fossil fules

Ecologists can make predictions using ecological models?


Where can you buy a ruck fules hat?

you cant its basically impossible

What harm does buring fossil fules do the environment?

It makes gas in a greenhouse.

Is gasoline is sources?

every gasoline is... but they are maid up of fossil fules

What is a energy source?

every gasoline is... but they are maid up of fossil fules