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Scientists have discovered a new planet, Kepler-452b, which is located in the habitable zone of its star and has a similar size to Earth. It is around 1.5 billion years older than Earth and receives a similar amount of sunlight, making it a prime candidate for potentially supporting life. Further studies are ongoing to analyze its atmosphere and surface composition.

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Which planet is most similar to the earth in size volume mass density?

Venus is the planet most similar to Earth in size, mass, volume, and density. It is often referred to as Earth's "sister planet" due to these similarities despite having a very different atmosphere and surface conditions.

The planet Venus is similar to Earth in its?

size, mass, density, and volume. Other than that, its VERY different

What planet is similar to Earth?


What are the planet that human being can be possible to live aside from earth?

The planet human being's can possibly live on besides-planet earth, Well scientists don't know for sure because scientists are not always correct no offense to scientists though. Well that's my answer!

If scientists found a new planet outside our solar system that had an atmosphere similar to Earth's three billion years ago what kingdom's organisms would you expect the new planet's organisms to re?


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It was actualy not too long ago. Scientists discovered it Wednesday morning, December 7th 2011.

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keplar 22b is a planet. it is very important as scientists think there could be life on the planet as it has an atmosphere so it could have similar conditions as we have on earth, so it could be possible there is life on that planet.

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Venus is the planet most similar to Earth in size, mass, volume, and density. It is often referred to as Earth's "sister planet" due to these similarities despite having a very different atmosphere and surface conditions.

In scientists view is there life out side of the planet earth?

Many scientists believe it is possible for life to exist outside of planet Earth, especially on planets with conditions similar to Earth. However, no evidence of extraterrestrial life has been confirmed. The search for life beyond Earth continues through missions to Mars and other celestial bodies.

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The perturbations in the bowels of the planet earth.

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To which planet the earth is similar?

Venus is often compared as Earth's "sister planet", being similar in size and internal composition.

The planet Venus is similar to Earth in its?

size, mass, density, and volume. Other than that, its VERY different