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It depends on survival of what. Surviving chances after an illness or operation are mostly influenced by someone's age (preferably: young) and general condition (healthy, trained, non-smoker etc.).

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Q: What difference will give some individuals a better chance of survival?
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Which type of reproductive structure has a better chance of survival if there was a sudden temperature change in its environment?

Asexual reproductive structures, such as bulbs or tubers, may have a better chance of survival during sudden temperature changes in the environment. This is because they can rapidly produce new individuals without the need for a pollinator or specific environmental conditions that sexual reproduction often requires.

What do you think has a better chance of survival a Euglena in an environment with no light or an amoeba in an environment with other organims?

An Euglena in an environment with no light has a better chance of survival because Euglenas are photosynthetic organisms that can make their own food using sunlight. Amoebas in an environment with other organisms may face competition for resources or predation, which could decrease their chances of survival.

What is a characterstic which increases the chance of survival?

Adaptability is a characteristic that increases the chance of survival. Being able to quickly adjust and respond to changing circumstances or environments can help individuals or species overcome challenges and thrive in adverse conditions.

How can a wide range of phenotypes increase the chance that some individuals will survive in a changing environment?

by natural selection.

What is the difference between helpful and harmful mutation?

a beneficial mutation in an animal, plant, cell or bacteria will allow it to have a better chance of survival and allow it to continue passing on its DNA in its offspring. a harmful mutation does the exact opposite it hinders the animals survival and will eventually lead it's species to extinction.

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What individuals had the greatest chance of survival in a death camp?

the guards.

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Which type of reproductive structure has a better chance of survival if there was a sudden temperature change in its environment?

Asexual reproductive structures, such as bulbs or tubers, may have a better chance of survival during sudden temperature changes in the environment. This is because they can rapidly produce new individuals without the need for a pollinator or specific environmental conditions that sexual reproduction often requires.

Are adults or children given a better chance for survival from lymphoma?

The survival rate among children is definitely better than among older people.

What ages had the best chance to survive in nazi concentration camps?

In Nazi concentration camps, the ages that generally had a better chance of survival were young, physically fit individuals between the ages of 18 and 40. This is because they were typically able to withstand the grueling labor and harsh conditions imposed in the camps. Children, elderly individuals, and those who were sick or disabled were often targeted for immediate extermination.

What do you think has a better chance of survival a Euglena in an environment with no light or an amoeba in an environment with other organims?

An Euglena in an environment with no light has a better chance of survival because Euglenas are photosynthetic organisms that can make their own food using sunlight. Amoebas in an environment with other organisms may face competition for resources or predation, which could decrease their chances of survival.

What cell size has a better chance of survival?

A cell that hasn't been damaged.

In evolutionary theory what is meant by survival of the fittest?

It means - usually the strongest, fastest, or best climber will survive over similar animals that are weaker. If an animal is fast, strong or a good climber - it has a better chance of evading predators.

What is a characterstic which increases the chance of survival?

Adaptability is a characteristic that increases the chance of survival. Being able to quickly adjust and respond to changing circumstances or environments can help individuals or species overcome challenges and thrive in adverse conditions.

What is the prognosis for people with intraocular retinoblastoma?

Individuals with intraocular retinoblastoma who do not have trilateral retinoblastoma usually have a good survival rate with a 90% chance of disease-free survival for five years.

How can a wide range of phenotypes increase the chance that some individuals will survive in a changing environment?

by natural selection.

What is the difference between helpful and harmful mutation?

a beneficial mutation in an animal, plant, cell or bacteria will allow it to have a better chance of survival and allow it to continue passing on its DNA in its offspring. a harmful mutation does the exact opposite it hinders the animals survival and will eventually lead it's species to extinction.