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Q: What did the atom look like according to Antoine Lavoisier?
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What did Antoine Lavoisier find out?

Because He was like michael

Which scientist developed the caloric theory?

Antoine Lavoisier is credited with developing the caloric theory in the late 18th century, suggesting that heat was a fluid-like substance called "caloric" that flowed from hotter bodies to cooler bodies.

Who is Lavoisier?

Antoine Lavoisier is famous because we found the law of conservation of matter that states that mass cant be either created or destroyed also with his aportacions to chemistry is known like the father of modern chemist

Hobbies of Antoine Lavoisier?

Antoine Lavoisier had a keen interest in chemistry, which led to his breakthroughs in the field. He also enjoyed studying physics and conducting experiments in his laboratory. Additionally, Lavoisier had a passion for collecting art and investing in various projects related to agriculture and industry.

How did Antoine Lavoisier recognized hydrogen?

he, like found it in a suit case with like Zacharaist and stuff

Who is Antoine Lavoisies?

Antoine Lavoisier is famous because we found the law of conservation of matter that states that mass cant be either created or destroyed also with his aportacions to chemistry is known like the father of modern chemist

What was the time period like during Antoine Lavoisier life time?

He said he sucked my moms ballz 4 a life time? hahahah so did you....

What was time period like during Antoine lavoisier life?

Um... well if you mean when he lived and then died. It was 1743-1797, so he lived in the mid 1700s.

How does Antoine lavoisier relate to the atomic model development?

Antoine Lavoisier is known as the father of modern chemistry for his work on the law of conservation of mass and the discovery of the role of oxygen in combustion. Although he did not directly contribute to the development of the atomic model, his work laid the foundation for future researchers like John Dalton to further investigate the concept of atoms and atomic theory.

When did lavoisier?

Antoine Lavoisier determined that oxygen was a key substance in combustion, and he gave the element its name. He developed the modern system of naming chemical substances and has been called the “father of modern chemistry” for his emphasis on careful experimentation.

What would the world have been like without Antoine Laurent Lavoisier?

Lavoisier contributed a lot to science, and made this world a better place. He loved chemistry and his wife helped him in the lab.Here are some of his accomplishments:* wrote many books * found a new way of lighting the streets of Paris * made new maps of France * did science experiments and discovered many new things

Did Antoine Lavoisier study astronomy?

Maybe a little, but he is most known for being the father of modern chemistry. He was the first to actually pay attention to the quantities of substances with which he experimented. His detailed records and observations paved the way for other scientists like John Dalton to formulate their atomic theories.