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Q: What did magellans crew achieve according to the map what did that show to others about the world?
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What degrees is it in November?

In November, the temperature is typically measured in degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius. It varies depending on the location and can range from below freezing in colder climates to warm temperatures in more temperate regions.

What does egocentric thinking represents according to Piagets theory?

In Piaget's theory, egocentric thinking represents the tendency of young children to view the world from their perspective only, without considering the viewpoints of others. This hinders their ability to understand that others may have different thoughts, feelings, or perceptions. Egocentric thinking typically diminishes as children mature and enter the concrete operational stage of cognitive development.

Richest people of world?

The richest Person in the World according to Forbes is Elon Musk. But, if you want to know the top 100 richest people in 2022 according to Forbes. You can go to this youtube "@amazingworld2266" channel and check out the top 100 richest people in the world and their countries. This list contains many famous and popular personalities like Elan Musk owner of tesla and Twitter, Jeff Bezos CEO of Amazon, and many others.

How did Marie Curie inspire others?

She was able to inspire others because even though she died because of it, she was able to discover a new element called radium. She was able to make a huge contribution to the science world, and that is how she inspired others.

Are August and September rainy months?

That would depend on where in the world you are living. In some parts they can be while in others they are not.

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