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Q: What did hubble's law prove about the universe?
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How old is the universe in 2011?

By using a therom call hubbles law and hubbles constant this is the calculation: 1/Ho=d/v=t t= 3.09x10 22/71000x31566926 t=13.738 billion years old

What is is hubbles law?

Hubble's Law states that (more or less) the distance to a galaxy is a constant multiple of the distance to that galaxy. For example, if one galaxy is moving away from us at three times the speed of another galaxy, then that means it is also three times as far away. The Law indicates that the Universe is expanding and had a beginning. Before Hubble's Law, many astronomers thought that the Universe did not have a beginning (it always existed).

The implication of hubbles law is that the universe is?

expanding, with galaxies moving away from each other. This expansion suggests that the universe was once much smaller and denser, and has been expanding ever since the Big Bang.

Do the stars in the milky way galaxy obey Hubbles law?


According to hubbles law galaxies are retreating from earth at speed that is proportional to their?


What does Hubbles law tell us about the beginning of the universe?

It shows that in the past, galaxies were closer together; also, it suggests - as is commonly believed nowadays - that some time in the past, all matter in the Universe was very close together, in a very hot and dense state.

How did they prove there is a parallel universe?

They didnt - there is no parallel universe.

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Did Copernicus prove that the sun is the center of the universe?

No. He was the first in Western society to legitimately propose that the sun was the center, but it took others to prove it. The sun is not the center of the universe, merely the center of our solar system.

What is Edwin hubble timeline?

it is a timeline of hubbles life

Why was Edwin Hubbles theory important?

Hubble was an astrophysicist in the early 20th century. He helped discover the rate at which the universe is expanding, which is now given by the Hubble constant. (H0=69km s^-1 Mpc^-1)

Who had a theory of the law of the universe but was wrong?

Lots of people have wrong theories about the Universe.