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Q: What did henry moseley arranged the elements in order by?
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Who fixed the periodic table?

Henry Moseley fixed modern periodic table.The elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number.

Who organized the current periodic table?

Henry Moseley created current Periodic Table. Elements were arranged in order of atomic number.

How are elements are arranged on periodic table?

Dmitri Mendeleev and Lothar Meyer first arranged the elements in the increasing order of atomic masses. Bohr and Henry Moseley then arranged the elements in the increasing order of atomic number.

What does a modern periodic table have?

Modern periodic table comprises of elements arranged in order of increasing atomic number. It was created by Henry Moseley.

Who developed the current periodic table organization?

Henry Moseley created current periodic table. Elements were arranged in order of atomic number.

Who was the second scientist to organize the elements?

The second scientist to organize the elements was Henry Moseley. He arranged them in order of increasing atomic number which led to the modern periodic table we use today.

Which scientist arranged the elements in order of increasing atomic number rather than increasing atomic mass?

Henry Moseley arranged the elements in order of increasing atomic number rather than increasing atomic mass, which led to the modern periodic table.

How did Henry mosely rearrange the periodic table and why?

Henry Moseley rearranged the periodic table by ordering elements by their atomic number instead of atomic mass. This led to the modern periodic table where elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number, which reflects the number of protons in an atom's nucleus and allows for a more accurate organization of elements based on their properties.

Howdid moseley arrange chemical elements?

He arranged the elements in order of atomic number.

What are some comparisons betweenmendeleev and Moseley's versions of the periodic table?

Mendeleev table comprised of elements in order of atomic mass. in moseley's table, elements were arranged in increasing order of atomic number.

What did Henry mosley do?

Henry Moseley sorted the chemical elements on the Periodic Table in order by their atomic numbers. Moseley was a British chemist who had studied under Rutherford.

What did Moseley contribute to the development of the periodic table?

Mosley arranged elements in order of increasing atomic number