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either salt or gold

that is wrong the answer is religion and i thats right because im stairing at the answer key to my history test :)

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11mo ago

Muslim merchants from the Arabian Peninsula and North Africa brought a variety of goods to West Africa, including luxury items such as textiles, jewelry, and perfumes. They also brought commodities like salt and gold, which were highly valued in the region. Additionally, they introduced Islam and its cultural practices to the local populations.

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Q: What did Muslim merchants bring with them to west Africa?
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Muslim traders brought Islam and salt from North Africa to West Africa.

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How did Muslim merchants influence the devolopment of trade in West Africa.?

Muslim merchants arrived in West Africa as early as the seventeenth century BC. They came majorly by water (ships) and a few on land, especially those from the north (Egypt) and east (EastAfrica). They influenced trade in West Africa in many ways such as these; Muslim merchants introduced faster means of transport, such as camels. They came along with more trade items such as clothes. Muslim traders introduced the religion of Islam together with its influence. They integrated their language (Arabic) with that of the natives; thus, influencing the trade.

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Yes, it was a Muslim state in what is now Mali in west Africa.Yes, it was a Muslim state in what is now Mali in west Africa.Yes, it was a Muslim state in what is now Mali in west Africa.Yes, it was a Muslim state in what is now Mali in west Africa.Yes, it was a Muslim state in what is now Mali in west Africa.Yes, it was a Muslim state in what is now Mali in west Africa.

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Islam did not spread the same way throughout all of Africa. In North Africa, Islam spread by conquest. In West Africa and along the Indian Ocean, Islam spread by contact between Muslim merchants and local Non-Muslims.

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As far as I know, Muslim merchants had the honor to spread Islam in both Africa and southeastern Asia. You may find Masjids spread in western Africa carrying the names of their builders, or perhaps they are buried nearby.

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Yes she is a Practicing Sunni Muslim from west Africa she have also Ben to mecca

What did Arab merchants spread?

Typically, Arab merchants spread goods from place to place. (That's what merchants do.) However, merchants also facilitate cultural diffusion which allows for religions to move between countries. It was through Arab merchants that Islam disseminated through West Africa, East Africa, and much of Indonesia.

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A zaouia is a Muslim religious school or community in North and West Africa.

Who were West Africa's chief trading partners before the fifth century CE?

Roman merchants and Berbers