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Carsyn Brown

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Q: What did Mimi say when she heard that a piece of granite had been hanged into metamorphic rock?
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Related questions

How can a piece of granite can be changed from an igneous rock to a sedimatery rock and then to a metaphoric?

A piece of granite can be changed from an igneous rock to a sedimentary rock, and then to a metamorphic rock as it gets buried deeper within the Earth's crust.

What happens to a old rusty piece of granite?

It gets weathered into sediment or it could be subjected to heat and pressure and become a metamorphic rock, or it could melt into magma and cool into an igneous rock.

How do you cut granite in RuneScape?

To get it from the mine, you use a pickaxe. To cut it into smaller pieces, you use a chisel on a larger piece of granite. Or, if you have a chisel in your toolbelt, just click on the piece of granite.

How can a piece of granite change into a igneous rock?

Granite already is an igneous rock.

Can a dinosaur egg be in a piece of granite?


Is Stone Mountain the largest piece of granite in the world?

Stone Mountain in Georgia, USA is not the largest piece of granite in the world. It is a prominent landmark and does contain one of the largest single masses of exposed granite, but there are larger granite formations globally.

What is the most biggest piece of granite?

The biggest piece of granite is known as the Plutonic Sage. It is a single piece of granite that measures approximately 4 miles long and 2 miles wide, located in Western Australia.

A piece of granite has a volume of 340 cm and a mass of 918 g Find the density?

The density of a piece of granite with a volume of 340 cm and mass of 918 g would be 1,400 grams. This is a math problem.

Was sand stone the stone on top of the pyramids?

No it was usually carved from a piece of granite

What is inside an obelisk?

An obelisk is made from a solid piece of grey or pink granite.

How do you use mineralogist in a sentence?

The mineralogist tripped on a piece of granite and broke his nose.

Are granite kitchen countertops worth the money?

If you are looking for long lasting countertops that stand up to anything, yes they are worth it. Some argue that tile is just as durable as granite but the one piece granite is often stronger.