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Galileo observed phases of Venus, which were only possible if Venus orbited the Sun and not Earth, supporting the heliocentric model of the solar system proposed by Copernicus. This observation was a key piece of evidence in favor of the heliocentric theory.

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Q: What did Galileo see when he observed Venus through his telescope?
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What 4 things did Galileo first see when he looked in a telescope?

Galileo observed the Moon's craters and mountains, the phases of Venus, the four largest moons of Jupiter, and sunspots when he looked through a telescope for the first time.

Who was the first person to find Venus on a telescope?

Venus is easily visible to the naked eye. People were looking at it for millennia before the telescope was invented. Galileo was the first person to look at Venus through a telescope.

Who and when was Venus discovered?

Venus is one of the planets that is visible without a telescope. The planet has been known since antiquity. Galileo was the first astronomer to study Venus through a telescope.

How did Galileo discover the planet Venus's?

Galileo discovered the phases of Venus, which helped support the heliocentric model proposed by Copernicus. By observing Venus through a telescope, Galileo was able to see that its phases changed over time, providing evidence that Venus orbits the Sun, not Earth.

How did Galileo contribute to astronomy?

Galileo discovered the sun is the center of the solar system, he improved the telescope, he proved that the moon has craters on it, he claimed Venus has phases, and he observed sun spots on the sun.

Who discovered the phases of Venus using a telescope?

Galileo Galilei is credited with being the first to observe and document the phases of Venus using a telescope in the early 17th century. This observation provided evidence to support the heliocentric model of the solar system proposed by Copernicus.

Who was the 1st person to examine space through a telescope?

The first person to examine space through a telescope was Galileo Galilei in the early 17th century. He made significant astronomical discoveries, such as the moons of Jupiter and the phases of Venus, which supported the heliocentric model of the solar system.

What is the first documentation of Venus?

The first documentation of Venus was done by Galileo Gallei in 1610. He noticed a bright object in the he sky when looking through his telescope. It was later on, however, that it was known to be Venus.

When finding helped provide evidence that the planets orbit around the sun rather that the earth?

Venus progresses through phases similar to the Moon. (Galileo's improvements to the telescope meant that Venus was visible as a disc rather than a bright spot.)

How did Galileo learn about the universe what was his great discovery about the planets?

Galileo observed that the planets Mercury and Venus pass through phases just like the Moon. The only way this could happen is if they circled the Sun, and not the Earth. Most importantly, he discovered that Jupiter had four moons. In the 1609, Galileo heard about a new invention called a telescope. He decided to build a telescope and use it to look at the Universe. That is just what he did and that is how he learned about the universe.

What astronomer invented the telescope and proved the heliocentric theory?

Galileo Galilei is the astronomer who is credited with inventing the telescope and using it to support the heliocentric theory proposed by Copernicus. He observed the moons of Jupiter, sunspots, and phases of Venus, providing evidence for a Sun-centered solar system.

What were two observations the Galileo made through his telescope that supported the heliocentric model?

In 1610, Galileo used the telescope to discover four moons revolving around Jupiter.The motion of these moons proved that not everything in the sky revolves around Earth.Galileo's observation of Venus also supported the heliocentric system. Galileo knew that Venus is always seen near the sun. He discovered that Venus goes through a series of phases similar to those of Earth's moon.