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Q: What did Galileo believe about the shape of the earth?
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How did people believe Galileo?

How did people believe Galileo?

How did Galileo galili discovered that earth is round in shape?

He did not need to discover that as it was already known by the ancient Greeks.

What did man believe before Galileo's contributions?

They believed that the Earth was the centre of the universe even after Galileo presented his idea. It was later proven that the sun was the centre of the universe.

Why did Galileo believe the earth revolves around the sun?

yesss he did he thought the earth was in the middle and all the plantes including the sun reolve around the earth.

Why did Galileo believe that the sun revolve around the earth?

yesss he did he thought the earth was in the middle and all the plantes including the sun reolve around the earth.

What did people believe in olden days about earth's shape?

They thought that the Earth was flat and not spherical.

What did Columbus believe about the size and shape of Earth?

He thought it was round.

How did Galileo discovered that the earth is a sphere?

Galileo did not discover that the Earth is a sphere; this fact was already known by ancient Greek astronomers. However, Galileo's observations through his telescope, including the phases of Venus and the moons of Jupiter, provided further evidence to support the heliocentric model of the solar system proposed by Copernicus, which implied that Earth was also a sphere.

Where did Galileo Galilei believe the earth was in the cosmos?

Galileo Galilei believed that the Earth was not the center of the universe, contrary to the prevalent belief at the time. Instead, he supported the heliocentric model proposed by Copernicus, which positioned the Sun at the center of the solar system with the Earth and other planets orbiting around it.

What did Galileo come across?

galileo came across that the earth was not the center

What did Galileo Galilel discoverer?

Galileo Galileo discovered the objects in the solar system orbited the sun not the earth

Where did Galileo do his work?

On the earth.