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Q: What device spins rapidly and causes the solids to settle to the bottom of a container?
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An airlock device is used for a container that holds gas. This device allows for the gasses to pass our of a container and not into a gas container. It is a safety mechanism and is used mostly on gas containers.

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An aircraft cargo container is commonly known as a unit load device (ULD)

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Yes, a closed container is sealed with a lid or another device to prevent the escape of liquid or vapor at regular temperatures. This type of container ensures that its contents are contained within and do not leak out.

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What method is used to separate honey from honeycomb?

Honey extraction from honeycomb typically involves using a honey extractor. This device uses centrifugal force to spin the honey out of the comb, allowing it to collect at the bottom of the extractor. The honeycombs can then be reused after the extraction process.

What is the device that you use to wash your bottom after you use the toilet?

A bidet

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A Kegerator is a beer dispensing device, which is typically stored in a refrigerator container in order to keep it cold. In short - it is simply a device that dispenses beer.

What is actuater?

An actuator is a device which actuates something else - especially a mechanism which causes a device to be switched on or off.