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For example a thermometer.

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Q: What device is not useful for measuring radiation?
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Which radiation device is the best to use for measuring the presence of radiation in large moving objects where constant monitoring is impossible?

A bronsted-lowry acid is a useful device for measuring this sort of radiation.

Which device would be most useful for measuring radiation in a nuclear laboratory?

A dose meter or perhaps a Geiger counter.

Which radiation detection device is the best to use for measuring the presence of radiation in large moving objects where constant monitoring is impossible?

A gamma ray spectrometer is a suitable device for measuring radiation in large moving objects as it can provide detailed information about the types and levels of radiation present. It allows for quick and accurate identification of radioactive materials, making it effective for continuous monitoring in such situations.

For what kind of construction jobs would it be beneficial to have a laser measuring device?

A laser measuring device is useful in most any construction job as it is a very accurate tool. It is useful for remodeling jobs as well as upgrades in homes.

What instrument is used in detecting radiation?

A Geiger-Muller counter is commonly used to detect radiation by measuring ionizing radiation particles that interact with the gas inside the device, creating an electric pulse that can be counted and measured.

Why is beta radiation used in monitoring the thickness of materials?

Beta radiation is used in monitoring the thickness of materials because it can penetrate materials to certain depths, making it useful for measuring thin layers. By measuring the amount of beta radiation that passes through a material, its thickness can be determined accurately. Additionally, beta radiation is easy to detect and can provide real-time measurements, making it efficient for monitoring purposes.

What device is used for measuring earthquake?

The device used for measuring earthquakes is called a seismometer.

what type of measuring device is clock?

clock is type of measuring device that you can use to see the time

Would measuring stars be useful for scientific notation?

You have it in reverse. Scientific notation is useful for measuring stars.

The device used for measuring potential difference is known as?

The potentiometer is the device that is used in the measuring of the potential difference.

What type of measuring device is Cogsworth in Beauty and the Beast?

A time measuring device. Also known as a clock

What is a device for measuring temperature?

A thermometer is a devise for measuring temperature