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In reference to Biology, plumule develops into the shoot. The plumule is the part of the plant that is the main axis of the stem, leaves, and branches. This is basically the brain of the plant that enables the plant to grow.

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Heather Tremblay

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11y ago

In reference to Biology, plumule develops into the shoot. The plumule is the part of the plant that is the main axis of the stem, leaves, and branches. This is basically the brain of the plant that enables the plant to grow.

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Q: What develops into shoot?
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What part of the plant becomes the shoot?

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The root typically develops first from a seed, followed by the shoot. The root anchors the plant in soil and absorbs water and nutrients, while the shoot emerges above ground to support the growth of leaves, stems, and eventually flowers.

What is plummule?

A plummule is a term used to describe the embryonic shoot or bud of a plant that develops from the plumule of a seed. It is the part of the seedling embryo that will eventually give rise to the stem and leaves of the plant as it grows.

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The radicle is the name for the embryonic portion of a seed that develops into the root of a plant. The plumele is the name of the embryonic shoot of the plant.

What is the difference between radicle and pumule of a plant?

The radicle is the embryonic root of a plant that develops into the primary root system, while the plumule is the embryonic shoot that develops into the stem and leaves. The radicle is responsible for anchoring the plant in the soil and absorbing water and nutrients, whereas the plumule is responsible for photosynthesis and growth above the soil surface.

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cymose inflorescence (cyme; definite inflorescence) A type of flowering shoot (see inflorescence) in which the first-formed flower develops from the growing region at the top of the flower stalk

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What is the proper spelling of develops?

You have it right. Develops

What is the definition of a plant plumule?

A plant plumule is the embryonic shoot that emerges from a seed during germination. It is the part of the seedling that will develop into the stem and leaves of the plant.

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The ovary of the flower develops into a fruit.