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The race of a child is determined by the race of the father.

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2w ago

The race of a newborn is determined by the combination of genetic information they inherit from their parents, including genes that influence physical traits such as skin color, hair texture, and eye color. These genetic characteristics can vary widely among different individuals and populations.

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13y ago

The race of the parents has everything to do with it. Genetics that a serious question?

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Q: What determines the race of a newborn?
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Does the father determines the race of a child?

Its a simple answer YES the father determines the race of the child. The man carries the seed therefore thats what the child is. To give an example if i plant an apple tree in blue green or orange soil an apple tree is going to grow out. Not to say that woman is useless because she is not but the man determines the race reguardless of how the child looks

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Race is typically determined by a combination of physical characteristics such as skin color, hair texture, and facial features. However, race is a social construct that can also be influenced by cultural, historical, and geographical factors. It is important to recognize that race is not a biological category but rather a social and political concept.

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Race is a social construct and not determined by a single chromosome. Traits that are often associated with race, such as skin color, are influenced by multiple genes across different chromosomes. It is important to understand that race is a complex and multifaceted concept that goes beyond genetic inheritance.

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The address of the Newborn Library Service Outlet is: 4224 Highway 142, Newborn, 30056 0247