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the lines tha determine you, consider and think about ones comment

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4mo ago

A steep slope on a contour map is determined by closely spaced contour lines that indicate a rapid change in elevation within a short horizontal distance. The closer the contour lines are together, the steeper the slope. A contour line with a higher numerical value indicates higher elevation, so a quick succession of these lines denotes a steep incline.

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Q: What determined a steep slope on a contour map?
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On topographical map how do represent a steep slope?

Contour lines that are closely spaced

Are contour lines on a slope spaced wide apart then the slope is very steep?

No, contour lines that are spaced close together on a map indicate a steep slope, while contour lines spaced widely apart indicate a gentle slope.

What is indicated when contour lines are far apart on a topographic map?

When contour lines are far apart on a topographic map, it indicates a gentle slope or flat terrain. The spacing between contour lines represents the steepness of the terrain, with wider spacing indicating a more gradual slope.

How can you determine whether the contour on a tropographic map show a gradual slope?

You can tell if a landform has a steep or gentle slope by looking at it. If the hill is small, it is not steep. A steep slope would be at more of an incline.

Draw contour lines to depict a steep slope?

You know, when contour lines are closer together on a map, they indicate a steep slope. Just think of contour lines as the distance between each incline. The closer together the inclines, the steeper the hill.

Two contour lines that are close together show a steep slope?

Yes, two contour lines that are close together indicate a steep slope on a topographic map. The closer the lines are, the steeper the slope. Further apart lines show a gentler slope.

What On a topographic map contour lines that are close together indicate a .?

Contour lines that are close together on a topographic map indicate an area of steep slope. If they essentially overlap you have a cliff.

What landform is shown by many contour lines that are very close together?

A steep slope or cliff is shown by many contour lines that are very close together. The closer the contour lines, the steeper the slope.

A topographic map indicates that a mountain's slope is very steep by using?

contour lines that are close together. Steeper slopes are shown with contour lines that are closely spaced together, indicating rapid changes in elevation.

On a topographic map contour lines that are close together indicate a?

A very steep regionClosely spaced contour lines indicate a very steep slope.Conversely, widely spaced lines indicate areas that are nearly flat.-Leftover.Tech

Contour lines that touch or overlap on a topographic map indicate a .?

Contour lines that touch or overlap on a topographic map indicate a

What A topographic map indicates that a mountain and slope is very steep by using?

It uses contour lines which are very close together.