Desert biomes can be found around the world at various latitudes and longitudes. Some examples include the Sahara Desert in Africa (approximately between 20-30 degrees North latitude and 0-20 degrees East longitude), the Arabian Desert in the Middle East (around 20-30 degrees North latitude and 40-60 degrees East longitude), and the Sonoran Desert in North America (around 30-35 degrees North latitude and 110-115 degrees West longitude).
The latitude and longitude of the port city is 60 degrees north, 24 degrees east.
what nation is 62 degrees north latitude and 15 degrees east longitude
what nation is 62 degrees north latitude and 15 degrees east longitude
Latitude: East-west Longitude: North-south
Negev Desert
Desert biomes can be found around the world at various latitudes and longitudes. Some examples include the Sahara Desert in Africa (approximately between 20-30 degrees North latitude and 0-20 degrees East longitude), the Arabian Desert in the Middle East (around 20-30 degrees North latitude and 40-60 degrees East longitude), and the Sonoran Desert in North America (around 30-35 degrees North latitude and 110-115 degrees West longitude).
what nation is 62 degrees north latitude and 15 degrees east longitude
The latitude and longitude of the port city is 60 degrees north, 24 degrees east.
The total surface of Andaman and Nicobar Islands is 8 249 km2. Latitude: between approx. 150 North latitude and 70 North latitude. Longitude: between approx. 920 East longitude and 950 East longitude.
what nation is 62 degrees north latitude and 15 degrees east longitude
This is in the Saudi Arabian desert.
Latitude: between approx. 150 North latitude and 70 North latitude. Longitude: between approx. 920 East longitude and 950 East longitude.
what nation is 62 degrees north latitude and 15 degrees east longitude
26° 46' north latitude and 83° 22' east longitude
The longitude is 40 degrees north and latitude is 3 degrees east.