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more than 80 cm

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NFPA 72 recommends installing smoke detectors at the ceiling height of 4-12 inches depending on the specific area and application. However, some local codes and regulations may have specific requirements for the installation height of smoke detectors above a ceiling. It is essential to check with the local authority having jurisdiction for specific requirements in your area.

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Q: What depth above ceiling require smoke detector as per NFPA?
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What is the pressure detector placed in a vessel to measure the level of a liquid?

A pressure detector placed in a vessel to measure liquid level uses the principle that the pressure at a specific depth in a liquid is proportional to the height of the liquid above it. By measuring the pressure at the bottom of the vessel, the detector can calculate the liquid level. This method is commonly used in industries such as oil and gas, chemical processing, and wastewater treatment.

What is the relationship between liquid and pressure and depth of a liquid?

Pressure in a liquid increases with depth due to the weight of the liquid above pushing down. This relationship is given by the formula P = ρgh, where P is pressure, ρ is the density of the liquid, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the depth of the liquid.

By using the idea of depth of field how can you tell which hair of 2 hairs on the slide is above the other on a microscope?

You can determine which hair is above the other on a microscope slide by adjusting the microscope's focus. The hair that comes into focus first is positioned closer to the objective lens and is therefore above the other hair on the slide. This difference in focus indicates the relative depth of field between the two hairs.

How does pressure due to a liquid held in a container vary with depth amount and shape and size of the container?

Pressure due to a liquid increases with depth because of the weight of the liquid above it. The pressure in a liquid is the same at a given depth regardless of the shape or size of the container, as long as the depth is the same. The shape and size of the container would only affect the pressure at different depths in the liquid.

What is binocular depth cue?

Binocular depth cues are visual cues that require both eyes to perceive depth in a scene. These cues include binocular disparity, which results from the slightly different perspectives each eye has on the same object, allowing the brain to calculate depth. Binocular depth cues help us perceive the three-dimensional world around us.

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Can a metal detector detect concrete?

Sure if there is enough metal like steel rebar

What is the pressure detector placed in a vessel to measure the level of a liquid?

A pressure detector placed in a vessel to measure liquid level uses the principle that the pressure at a specific depth in a liquid is proportional to the height of the liquid above it. By measuring the pressure at the bottom of the vessel, the detector can calculate the liquid level. This method is commonly used in industries such as oil and gas, chemical processing, and wastewater treatment.

Up to what depth can a Bounty Hunter BHJS Junior Metal Detector indicate the presence of a metal object?

The depth a Bounty Hunter BHJS Junior Metal Detector can indicate presence of metal is similar to that of a professional metal detector. It can find coins up to 5 inches deep and some larger objects up to 3 feet deep.

Why is water greater at a greater depth than at a shallow depth?

Because of the weight of the water above.

What metals can not be detected by a metal detector?

Technically speaking it can detect through anything, however the depth at which it can detect will be effected by various factors such as density, moisture and more importantly base metals present in the sand and soil layer. One of the biggest factors is metal density and variety in the soil layer. An area rich in a variety of metals will require a detector with excellent discrimination in order to decipher specific target metals or there will be too much background metal to find a specific object. Basically it comes down the quality of the detector, the depth it can penetrate and the level of discrimination that it can be set to that will allow it to pick out specific metal combinations. A poor quality detector will get confused and go off constantly if there is a high volume of metals in the soil composition and if it lacks the ability to tune out the "background" noise of those metals.

At what depth does OSHA start to require shoring for trenches?

Six feet

How can I tell that I can't get pregnant?

That would require a pretty in-depth medical evaluation.

Why does fluid Pressure change with the elevation and depth?

At a greater depth, the weight of all the liquid (or gas) above adds to the pressure.

What is the depth of the thermosphere?

The thermosphere can reach a depth of about 500 kilometers above the Earth's surface. This layer is known for its high temperatures and the presence of charged particles that create the auroras.

Are there any laws in Illinois that govern tire tread depth?

Illinois, along with 41 other states require 2/32" tread 2 States require 1/32" 6 States have no tread depth requirements

What is the relationship between ocean depth and pressure?

As ocean depth increases, pressure also increases. This is because as water depth increases, there is more water above exerting force due to gravity. Pressure in the ocean increases about 1 atmosphere (atm) for every 10 meters of depth.

What is Dependence of pressure on the depth?

The pressure exerted by a fluid increases with depth due to the weight of the fluid above. This relationship is described by the equation P = ρgh, where P is the pressure, ρ is the density of the fluid, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the height or depth of the fluid column.