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Most dry lands lie between 15 to 30 degrees latitude north and south of the equator. This zone is known as the horse latitudes and is characterized by arid climate conditions due to the presence of subtropical high pressure systems that inhibit cloud formation and precipitation.

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Q: What degrees north and south of the equator does most dry lands lie?
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What are equatorial lands?

Equatorial lands are regions that lie near the equator, characterized by consistently warm temperatures throughout the year and high levels of precipitation. These areas are often covered by lush rainforests and support a diverse array of plant and animal species due to the ideal climate conditions. Examples of countries with equatorial lands include Brazil, Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Indonesia.

How many degrees the south of the equator is the south pole?

The south pole is 90 degrees south of the equator. The north pole is 90 degrees north of the equator.

Is 20 degrees Southe closer to the equator or is 10 degrees north?

10 degrees north is closer to the equator. As you move closer to the equator from either the north or south, the latitude values decrease. In this case, 10 degrees north is closer to the equator (which is at 0 degrees latitude) than 20 degrees south.

What is distance north or south of the equator called?

The distance north or south of the equator is measured in degrees of latitude. For example, the equator is measured at 0 degrees; Sydney Australia lies 33.51 degrees south of the equator; Helsinki Finland lies 60 degrees north of the equator.

What is 90 degrees north of the equator?

90 degrees north of the equator is the North Pole.

What is the further you can get from the equator?

The north and south poles (90 degrees north or south of the equator).

What are Angular distance north or south of the equator?

Angular distance north or south of the equator is measured in degrees, with 0 degrees at the equator, 90 degrees at the North Pole, and -90 degrees at the South Pole. This measure is known as latitude and helps to indicate a location's position in terms of its distance from the equator along Earth's surface.

The trade winds are located about degrees north and south of the equator?

The trade winds are located about 30 degrees north and south of the equator. They blow consistently in a westward direction in tropical regions, influencing global weather patterns and ocean currents.

Is Uruguay north or south of the equator?

It's about 35 degrees south of the equator.

Is ninety degrees north closer to the equator than forty degrees south?

No, 40 degrees south latitude is closer to the equator than 90 degrees north latitude. All latitude originates from the equator, so as the number increases, the further it is away from the equator, regardless of north or south.

Which line is closer to the equator 30N or 15S?

25 degrees south (or north) is closer to the equator that 30 degrees north (or south).This has a lot to do with the mathematical fact that 25 is less than 30.The equator is the 'zero' of latitude; 'north' and 'south' start from it.

What is the starting point for numbering parallels on a map?

The numbering of parallels on a map begins at the Equator with zero degrees. Degrees ae counted away from the equator, both to the north and to the south. The north Ppole is 90 degrees north of the Equator and the South Pole is 90 degree south of the Equator.