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Everyone seems to know the axis of the Earth is tilted, but not that it is tilted relative to the Ecliptic which is the second vital piece of information.

The third piece of vital information is that spinning of the Earth has a gyroscopic effect which ensures that the direction of the tilt relative to the ecliptic, does not change through-out the year. Or ever! If it leans to the "left" in Summer it is still leaning to the left in Winter. The True North Pole is ~for-ever pointing at the same Polar Star and does not trace out a great circle in space throughout the year. If it did, one hemisphere would be for-ever Winter and the other, for-ever Summer.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago



You'll have to engage in a little mental imagery. Think of the plane that contains the earth's orbit; that plane also contains the sun. If there were no tilt or inclination of the earth's pole, then the pole would be perfectly perpendicular to the plane. It is not; the pole tilts roughly 24 degrees.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Imagine a line through earth from north pole to south pole, that is the axis earth turns on. The angle of that axis is tilted over so that one pole or the other is closer to the Sun, that is the tilt the axis turns on.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

The Earth's tilt is the cause of the earths seasons, as being tilted towards, or away from the sun changes the intensity of the sunlight falling on the earth. It's very much like how the light from a flashlight can be spread out and weakened by holding it at an angle to the ground, but very strong when you point it straight down.

tilt away, and the sunlight is weak, causing a drop in temperature, and winter. Tilt towards and you get the opposite effect.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

the world is on the axis and the axis is tilted. the axis runs through the north pole and south pole.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

If you are talking about the Earth than it is 23.5 degrees on its tilt.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

it causes the seasons.

as we orbit the sun, the axis which is pointing toward the sun gets warmer, causing summer, and winter in the opposite hemisphere.

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βˆ™ 6y ago

what is the earths tilt axis

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What is the degree of tilt the earths axis?

23.5 degrees