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Same number of protons, different number of neutrons.

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Q: What defines an isotope?
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What defines the mass number of isotope?

The mass number is the total weight of neutrons and protons in the nucleus of an atom.

What isotope defines the atomic mass unit?

Carbon-12 isotope is used to define the atomic mass unit, which is equal to 1/12th of the mass of a carbon-12 atom.

What configuration defines an isotope of the same element?

Isotopes of one particular element differ only in their number of neutrons in nucleus.

An isotope of nitrogen could have more protons neutron electrons?

An isotope of nitrogen will always have 7 protons, as this defines the element. However, it can have a different number of neutrons, thus changing the mass number of the isotope. The number of electrons in an isotope is equal to the number of protons to maintain overall charge neutrality.

Where are the protonselectronsand neutrons in the atom?

Protons have a positive charge Neutrons have no charge Electrons have a negative charge Protons and Neutrons are found in the nuclei of atoms, while Electrons orbit in layers. Neutrons separate the Protons so that they never touch each other. The number of Protons defines which element you have The number of neutrons defines the isotope you have The number of Electrons defines the charged ion you have

How many protons are in the nucleus of Iodine-131?

The atomic number of iodine is 53 so there are 53 protons in the nucleus, irrespective of which isotope you are considering. 53 is the atomic number and defines iodine.

What are elements with identical number for protons and different number of neutrons called?

The answer you are looking for is "isotopes" HOWEVER, please note you CAN NOT HAVE 2 elements with the same number of PROTONS. This is because the number of protons DEFINES an element. Isotopes are the SAME element but with differing numbers of neutrons.

What is the atomic number of isotope?

The atomic number of an isotope is determined by the number of protons in the nucleus of the atom. This number is unique to each element and defines its identity on the periodic table. For example, the atomic number of carbon is 6, regardless of the number of neutrons in its nucleus in different isotopes.

What is the stable isotope that is formed by the breakdown of a radioactive isotope?

The stable isotope formed by the breakdown of a radioactive isotope is called a daughter isotope. This process is known as radioactive decay, where a radioactive isotope transforms into a stable daughter isotope through the emission of particles or energy.

244 94Pu is an of plutonium?


What element has 46 protons and 55 neutrons?

The number of protons defines an element - the number of neutrons isn't needed to find the identity of the element. All ions and isotopes with 44 protons is ruthenium. However, with the information about the neutrons, we know the specific isotope: 101Ru.

What is silicons most common isotope?

The most common isotope of silicon is the isotope 28Si: 92,23 %.