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Louis Pasteur suffered from a stroke which caused mild paralysis on one side of his body.

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Q: What damage to this organ gave Louis Pasteur caused mild paralysis on one side of his body?
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What did Louis Pasteur demonstrate that caused a disease?


What was Louis Pasteur's damaged organ?

The heart (caused by a stroke)

Who began pasturizing milk to kill bacteria?

The process of pasteurization came from Louis Pasteur.

Which French scientist discovered vaccines?

Louis Pasteur

Who was the first to determine that germs caused diseases?

Louis Pasteur a french chemist.

How did Louis Pasteur work helped to prevent diseases caused by micro organisms?

Louis Pasteur developed a process for heating and cooling milk to destroy bacterial and fungal contamination.

What was Louis Pasteur's occupation?

wat was Louis pasteur occupatoin?

Are there any schools named after Louis Pasteur?

Yes, there are schools named after Louis Pasteur, such as the Louis Pasteur Middle School in California and the Lycee Louis Pasteur in Canada. These schools honor Pasteur's contributions to science and education.

Which microbe did Louis Pasteur say causes fermentation?

Louis Pasteur discovered that fermentation was caused by a microbe and that the wine went off if other sorts of microbe got into it at the same time.

Who invented pasteurise?

Louis Pasteur

Who studies aids and run hiv vaccine trials in Trinidad?

louis pasteur

Is Louis Pasteur single?

No, Louis Pasteur is not single.