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thcost for the damage was millions and millions of dollars.

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Q: What damage did Krakatoa cost?
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How much did it cost after the Krakatoa?

The eruption of Krakatoa in 1883 caused widespread destruction, resulting in massive loss of life and property. The exact cost of the damage is difficult to quantify, but it had a significant impact on the region and beyond in terms of economic losses and environmental consequences.

How much did it cost to repair Krakatoa's damages?

It cost about 1.5 million dollars to repair Krakatoa's damages

What was the cost of Krakatoa's eruption?

$1.50! :P

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What was the financial cost of Krakatoa's eruption?

The financial cost of Krakatoa's eruption in 1883 is estimated to be around $1.08 billion in today's currency. The eruption not only caused widespread devastation to the surrounding areas but also led to global climatic effects and disruptions in the weather patterns. The economic impact was significant due to the loss of life, property damage, and disruptions to trade routes.

When does Krakatoa erupts?

Do you mean :'' When did Krakatoa erupted? Krakatoa erupted in 1883

When does Krakatoa Volcano erupted?

Do you mean :'' When did Krakatoa erupted? Krakatoa erupted in 1883

When was Krakatoa?

mount Krakatoa was discovered in 1784

What is country is Krakatoa?

Krakatoa is an island in Indonesia.

What sea is Krakatoa in?

Krakatoa is in the Indian sea

What damage did Krakatoa do?

The eruption of Krakatoa in 1883 caused one of the largest and most violent volcanic events in recorded history. The eruption and resulting tsunamis and atmospheric effects led to the deaths of over 36,000 people. The explosion also caused significant global climate effects, including changes in temperature and weather patterns.

What island is mt Krakatoa on?

Krakatoa was on the island of Krakatoa. There is now a new island called Anak Krakatau.