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Q: What cultural events are held in humid tropical climates?
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Subhumid tropical climate zone?

Sub humid tropical climates are characterized by hot, humid summers and mild winters. Sub humid tropical climates get the most rainfall during their summer monsoon months.

Where are humid tropical climate located why are they humid?

Humid tropical climates are located close to the equator such as in South Asia and the Southern states of America. The latitude and proximity to a body of water are the two major influences on a climate being classified as humid subtropical.

Where are humid tropical climates located and why are they humid?

Humid tropical climates are typically located near the equator, between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. These areas experience high temperatures and abundant rainfall due to the warm air rising near the equator, which creates a moist environment conducive to high humidity levels.

What climates are mangroves found in?

In Humid Tropical Climates were annual temperature is high and temperature amplitude is low

What is an acrisol?

An acrisol is a clay-rich soil associated with humid tropical climates.

Where are humid tropical climates?

in countries near the equator in Africa and south america

What are the two tropical climates?

They are, humid continental climate, and the marine west coast climate.

Where do jack fruit seeds grow fast?

Tropical regions, or hot, humid climates.

Savanna environments belong to the general climate type known as?

humid equatorial

Is tropical a humid or hot climate?

Tropical climates are characterized by both heat and humidity. These regions typically have high temperatures throughout the year, with abundant sunlight and heavy rainfall, leading to high levels of humidity.

Why do geographers say west africa' s climates are zonal?

cause there a four climate that are humid tropical tropical savanna desert and steppe

What are the three major climate zones?

The three major climate zones are tropical, temperate, and polar. Tropical climates are hot and humid near the equator, temperate climates have distinct seasons and moderate temperatures, and polar climates are cold and dry near the poles.