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Q: What crisis in 1973 - 1974 made US citizens became aware of ecology?
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In an essay can you put 'it became aware to me'?

Yes, you can use the phrase "it became aware to me" in an essay. However, it is more commonly expressed as "I became aware" or "I became aware of." This phrasing is more direct and concise.

What was a consequence of the Plessy vs Ferguson decision in the south?

People became more aware of race.apex=)

What information was Truman aware of about the bombs?

He found out when he became President.

What is the point of economics?

Although economics may seem somewhat pointless it is important that we are aware of the economic crisis and the value in our money.

The importance of a government as an institution?

Through the study of government students are aware of their rights as citizens and their corresponding duty to the state

How can citizens become more aware of human rights issues in their community?

research activities of special interest groups

How was Russia changed since it became independent?

Well it has become more aware ggjgggjjjggggggjgjioii

Why should a Canadian citizen be aware of the actions of the federal and provincial government?

they should be aware because without the Canadian citizens knowing what is the occurring jobs they will have no idea what is happening in our country and why its being run the way that it is

How do you use the word awareness in a sentence?

While on patrol, the police officer demonstrated his keen awareness of criminal activity.

When did john von neumann invented the computer?

never, computers existed before he became aware of them

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The Cuban Missile Crisis of October, 1962, was the closest we've been to a nuclear exchange. See the link below for more detailed information.

What effect did guru nanak have on those who followed his teaching?

They became peaceful and aware to lifeXx Vix Xx