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The Arctic is opposite Antarctica. Like Antarctica, no country owns the Arctic

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Q: What country is opposite Antarctica?
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Where is Antarctica opposite to?

Antarctica is opposite the Arctic.

What is opposite of antarctica?

The opposite of Antarctica is Arctic.

Why is Antarctica on the map of the world called Antarctica?

The word Antarctica means "opposite of the Arctic."

What country is in possession of antarctica?

No country is in possession of Antarctica.

Antarctica is a possession of which country?

Antarctica is a possession of no country.

What is the origin name of Antarctica?

Antarctica is at the opposite end of the earth from the Arctic, so, it is the Antipode of the Arctic - ANT-ARCTIC.

What country is due south from Antarctica?

Every country on earth is due north of Antarctica.

Is Antarctica the biggest country in the world?

Antarctica is not a country; it is a continent. Russia is the largest country in the world by land area.

Is Antarctica the fifth largest country in the world?

Antarctica is not a country, it is a continent.

Why is Antarctica called antarictica?

Antarctica means "opposite of north". Antarctica is on the opposite end of the globe from the Arctic, which is north. That makes Antarctica be in the south. Therefore, Antarctica is "opposite of north".

Where can you find the country of Antarctica?

Antarctica is not a country. Antarctica is a continent. You can find it south of 60 degrees South Latitude.

How old is the country Antarctica?

Antarctica is not a country, it is a continent. There are no countries on the Antarctic continent.