The country located at 140°E longitude and 30°S latitude is New Zealand.
antanananarivo is at this point
The country located at the Tropic of Capricorn at 135°E is Australia. The Tropic of Capricorn crosses the northern part of the country, passing through the Australian states of Queensland and the Northern Territory.
It's not possible for a whole country to be located at the same coordinates. "29° N / 29° E" is the description of a single point, about 127 miles west of Bani Suef, and 153 miles southwest of the center of Cairo, in Egypt.
The country located at 40° S 140° E is Australia.
The country located at 50 N and 10 E coordinates is Germany.
One country that is located at 135 E longitude is Japan.
The country located at 40°S 20°E is South Africa.
The country located at 20 N and 80 E is India, and its capital is New Delhi.
The country located at 140°E longitude and 30°S latitude is New Zealand.
The country located at latitude 20°N and longitude 80°E is India.
The country located at coordinates 60°N and 10°E is Norway, situated in Northern Europe.
antanananarivo is at this point