The country located at 140°E longitude and 30°S latitude is New Zealand.
Australia is located at 30 degrees S 120 degrees E.
The coordinates 10 degrees N, 30 degrees E point to a location in Sudan, specifically in the northern part of the country.
The country located at 10 degrees S and 30 degrees E is Mozambique.
a location some place
The country located at 140°E longitude and 30°S latitude is New Zealand.
Australia is located at 30 degrees S 120 degrees E.
36 N 140 E is Miyado, Tsukubamirai, Ibaraki Prefecture 300-2426Japan
The coordinates 10 degrees N, 30 degrees E point to a location in Sudan, specifically in the northern part of the country.
The country located at 10 degrees S and 30 degrees E is Mozambique.
The country located at 40° S 140° E is Australia.
Saint Petersburg, Russia
None. That's in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea.
30 N 115 E is in Daye, Huangshi, Hubei, China
a location some place
Longitude 60 E, Latitude 30 N is in the country of Iran, about 65 miles northwest of Zahedan.