According to Google Earth, it is a boundary line between Oman and Saudi Arabia and right where the boundaries make a sharp turn. Maybe you should try and check it out.
20° N, 55° E
Best if you just copy this coordinate on Google earth Google maps on Google might not work as well, I didn't try it
The country located at 33 degrees South latitude and 55 degrees West longitude is Uruguay.
The latitude and longitude of Hawaii's capital, Honolulu, are approximately 21.3069° N, 157.8583° W.
The country that lies at approximately 55 degrees north latitude and 115 degrees west longitude is Canada.
The location at 55°N latitude and 40°E longitude is in Russia. Specifically, it is in the western part of the country, near the border with Finland and the White Sea.
Latitude: N 24° 4' 39.828", Longitude: E 32° 55' 3.684"
No country. It is the Indian Ocean near Réunion Island.
The country located at 33 degrees South latitude and 55 degrees West longitude is Uruguay.
The latitude and longitude of Hawaii's capital, Honolulu, are approximately 21.3069° N, 157.8583° W.
The country that lies at approximately 55 degrees north latitude and 115 degrees west longitude is Canada.
Latitude: N 55° 2' 21.2294", Longitude: E 82° 55' 40.1452"
Para maribo's latitude and longitude is 5 50 north latitude and 55 10 west longitude.
The location at 55°N latitude and 40°E longitude is in Russia. Specifically, it is in the western part of the country, near the border with Finland and the White Sea.
Latitude: 55°47′N Longitude: 49°10′E
Latitude: 33°55′S Longitude: 18°25′E