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These countries are nine hours ahead of California about 93% of the time:

  • Norway, including Svalbard
  • Sweden
  • Denmark
  • Poland
  • Germany
  • Netherlands
  • Belgium
  • Czech Republic
  • Luxembourg
  • France
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
  • Austria
  • Hungary
  • Switzerland
  • Liechtenstein
  • Italy
  • San Marino
  • Vatican City
  • Monaco
  • Croatia
  • Serbia
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Montenegro
  • Kosovo
  • Albania
  • Macedonia
  • Andorra
  • Spain
  • Gibraltar
  • Malta
  • Libya

These countries are nine hours ahead of California about 65% of the time (when California is on DST):

These countries are nine hours ahead of California about 35% of the time (when California is on Standard Time):

  • Tunisia
  • Algeria
  • Niger
  • Chad
  • Nigeria
  • Cameroon
  • Benin
  • Central African Republic
  • the western half of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Republic of the Congo
  • Equitorial Guinea
  • Gabon
  • Angola

Also, Namibia is nine hours ahead of California about 23% of the time (mid-March to early April and early Sep. to early Nov.).

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Q: What country is 12 hours ahead of the US?
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What is the time difference with the US to Italy?

The time difference between the United States and Italy depends on the specific cities. Generally, Italy is 6-9 hours ahead of the US Eastern Standard Time zone, and 9-12 hours ahead of the US Pacific Standard Time zone.

How many hours is india ahead of america?

India is: 9½ hours ahead of Atlantic Standard Time (Puerto Rico, USA) 10½ hours ahead of Eastern US Standard Time (9½ Daylight Saving Time) 11½ hours ahead of Central US Standard Time (10½ Daylight Saving Time) 12½ hours ahead of Mountain US Standard Time (11½ Daylight Saving Time) 13½ hours ahead of Pacific US Standard Time (12½ Daylight Saving Time) 14½ hours ahead of Alaska US Standard Time (13½ Daylight Saving Time) 15½ hours ahead of Hawaii/Guam/Aleutian Islands US Standard Time (14½ Aleutian Daylight Saving Time) 16½ Hours ahead of American Samoa

What time is it in Brisbane Australia when it is 9 pm EST US?

When it is 9 pm EST in the US, it is 12 pm the next day in Brisbane, Australia as Brisbane is 15 hours ahead of EST.

How many hours ahead is Philippines from Texas US?

The Philippines is 14 hours ahead of Texas, United States.

How many hours is Thailand ahead of US?

Thailand (UTC + 7 hours) is 11 hours ahead of Eastern Daylight Saving Time (UTC - 4 hours), 12 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time and Central Daylight Saving Time (UTC - 5 hours), 13 hours ahead of Central Standard Time and Mountain Daylight Saving Time (UTC - 6 hours), 14 hours ahead of Mountain Standard Time and Pacific Daylight Saving Time (UTC - 7 hours), 15 hours ahead of Pacific Standard Time and Alaska Daylight Saving Time (UTC - 8 hours), 16 hours ahead of Alaska Standard Time and Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Saving Time (UTC - 9 hours), and 17 hours ahead of Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time (UTC - 10 hours).

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Discounting Daylight Saving Time, primarily Pakistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and parts of Kazakhstan and Russia are 12 hours ahead of Mountain Standard Time.

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Depends on the state/continent/country you live in.

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The time difference between the United States and Italy depends on the specific cities. Generally, Italy is 6-9 hours ahead of the US Eastern Standard Time zone, and 9-12 hours ahead of the US Pacific Standard Time zone.

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India is: 9½ hours ahead of Atlantic Standard Time (Puerto Rico, USA) 10½ hours ahead of Eastern US Standard Time (9½ Daylight Saving Time) 11½ hours ahead of Central US Standard Time (10½ Daylight Saving Time) 12½ hours ahead of Mountain US Standard Time (11½ Daylight Saving Time) 13½ hours ahead of Pacific US Standard Time (12½ Daylight Saving Time) 14½ hours ahead of Alaska US Standard Time (13½ Daylight Saving Time) 15½ hours ahead of Hawaii/Guam/Aleutian Islands US Standard Time (14½ Aleutian Daylight Saving Time) 16½ Hours ahead of American Samoa

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When it is 9 pm EST in the US, it is 12 pm the next day in Brisbane, Australia as Brisbane is 15 hours ahead of EST.

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yes its ahead by 18 hours

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well on average the Philippines are 14 hours ahead of the us. it would be 12 noon there in the Philippines

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