The coordinates 10 E latitude and 10 N longitude correspond to an area in the Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of West Africa. There is no specific country at these coordinates since they are over water.
A set of latitude/longitude coordinates defines a single point on the Earth's surface, so it's not possible for a whole country to be right there. That particular point is just outside the city of Ålborg in Denmark. Any other point in Denmark has different coordinates.
The coordinates 57N 10E are in the town of Aalborg, Denmark.
The country located at 140°E longitude and 30°S latitude is New Zealand.
The latitude of Naga City in the Philippines is approximately 13.6218° N, and the longitude is around 123.1945° E.
Taiwan is located at approximately 23.6978° N latitude and 120.9605° E longitude.
Latitude: 10°20′S to 27°SLongitude: 30°10′E to 40°10′E
The country located at latitude 20°N and longitude 80°E is India.
Oman is 20n latitude and 57 e longitude
The country located at 30°N latitude and 30°E longitude is Egypt.
Latitude: 55°47′N Longitude: 49°10′E
A set of latitude/longitude coordinates defines a single point on the Earth's surface, so it's not possible for a whole country to be right there. That particular point is just outside the city of Ålborg in Denmark. Any other point in Denmark has different coordinates.
The coordinates 57N 10E are in the town of Aalborg, Denmark.
Latitude: N 59° 54' 49.9277" | Longitude: E 10° 45' 8.0834"
Latitude: N 55° 10' 9.9768", Longitude: E 23° 52' 52.59"
Latitude: N 43° 42' 58.0874", Longitude: E 10° 23' 47.7035"
Latitude: N 60° 10' 11.325" | Longitude: E 24° 56' 17.6644"
The country located at 140°E longitude and 30°S latitude is New Zealand.