Some countries or regions that lie along the 55 degrees south latitude include the southern regions of Chile and Argentina in South America, as well as the South Sandwich Islands in the southern Atlantic Ocean. This latitude line does not pass through any major cities.
Two countries through which the 30 degrees south line of latitude passes are Australia and South Africa.
Some cities that are close to 57 degrees North latitude include Moscow, Russia and Edinburgh, Scotland. Some cities that are close to 57 degrees South latitude include Ushuaia, Argentina and Christchurch, New Zealand.
Only New Zealand, Chile, and Argentina have any territory at 45 degrees south latitude.
Some cities located at 53 degrees south latitude include Punta Arenas in Chile and Ushuaia in Argentina. Both of these cities are located in Patagonia region at the southern tip of South America.
No city in the United States has a latitude of 0. The equator, which is at 0 degrees latitude, passes through countries in South America, Africa, and Asia but not through the United States.
Two countries through which the 30 degrees south line of latitude passes are Australia and South Africa.
Oamaru, Naseby, Queenstown
Some cities that are close to 57 degrees North latitude include Moscow, Russia and Edinburgh, Scotland. Some cities that are close to 57 degrees South latitude include Ushuaia, Argentina and Christchurch, New Zealand.
Only New Zealand, Chile, and Argentina have any territory at 45 degrees south latitude.
Some cities located at 53 degrees south latitude include Punta Arenas in Chile and Ushuaia in Argentina. Both of these cities are located in Patagonia region at the southern tip of South America.
Argentina , Chile , Uruguay
No city in the United States has a latitude of 0. The equator, which is at 0 degrees latitude, passes through countries in South America, Africa, and Asia but not through the United States.
None are: there are no countries south of 60 degrees South Latitude. This part of planet earth is governed by The Antarctic Treaty.
Chile Bolivia Paraguay Brazil
Botsuana Namíbia south Africa
The South Pole is located at a latitude of 90 degrees south.
90 degrees north latitude and the south pole is 90 degrees south latitude