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Shiver-like movements in infants could be a normal response to changes in temperature or a reaction to stimuli, such as excitement or fear. It can also be a sign of your baby's developing motor skills as they learn to control their body movements. However, if you notice prolonged or abnormal shivering, it is best to consult a healthcare provider to rule out any underlying medical issues.

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Q: What could shiver like movements in your infant be?
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Do the arms and legs on an infant grow at the same time?

No, typically the arms on an infant grow slightly ahead of their legs. This is why infants tend to gain better control of their arms and hands before they develop more advanced leg movements like walking.

Who could not predict the movements of the planets accurately?

Ancient astronomers like Ptolemy and Copernicus could not accurately predict the movements of the planets because they were working with models that did not accurately capture the true nature of the solar system. Their geocentric models, which placed the Earth at the center of the universe, were unable to accurately predict the movements of the planets due to their circular orbits and epicycles. It wasn't until Johannes Kepler formulated his laws of planetary motion based on observations by Tycho Brahe that more accurate predictions became possible.

What are paristaltic movements?

Peristaltic movements are wave-like contractions of the muscles in the esophagus, stomach, and intestines that help propel food and nutrients through the digestive system. These movements are essential for moving food along the digestive tract and facilitating digestion and absorption of nutrients.

How is plant movement able to occur?

Plant movement occurs through various mechanisms such as growth movements (like heliotropism), turgor movements (like stomatal opening and closing), and growth responses to external stimuli (like thigmotropism). Plants do not have muscles like animals, so these movements are often driven by changes in cell turgor pressure, hormone responses, or growth patterns in response to environmental cues.

What would happen on earth that would not happen on mars because there are no plate movements there?

Without plate movements on Mars, earthquakes and volcanic activity would not occur like they do on Earth. The lack of plate tectonics also means that Mars does not have the same kind of geological processes shaping its surface, such as mountain building or the creation of deep ocean basins. Additionally, without plate movements, Mars does not experience the recycling of materials through subduction zones like on Earth.

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Do eskimos shiver?

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Can you shiver without a fever?

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Are there any books like Shiver by Maggie Steifvater?

Fans of "Shiver" by Maggie Stiefvater may enjoy "The Wolves of Mercy Falls" series by the same author or "The Coldest Girl in Coldtown" by Holly Black, which also features a blend of romance and supernatural elements. Both series have a similar atmospheric and captivating feel to "Shiver."

Do the arms and legs on an infant grow at the same time?

No, typically the arms on an infant grow slightly ahead of their legs. This is why infants tend to gain better control of their arms and hands before they develop more advanced leg movements like walking.

What do horses do when they are cold?

They shiver, like most things do.

What are some good british sayings for talk like a pirate day?

"Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum" "shiver me timbers" "Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum" "shiver me timbers"

What would an infant would least prefer to look at?

A newborn has no preferences, but it does not take it long to prefer things that look like faces. So you could say that everthing that is not a face is what an infant would least like to look at.

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If you ate rasions, they could look like that...

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Do lizards shiver?

Lizards do not shiver like mammals do. Instead, they may bask in the sun to raise their body temperature or seek shelter to regulate their temperature. They rely on behavioral adjustments rather than shivering to maintain their body temperature.

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like oscillating movements