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Q: What could happen if denitrifying bacteria were more active than decomposers nitrogen-fixing bacteria and nitrifying bacteria?
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How do you describe five instances in the nitrogen cycle where bacterial action is important?

Nitrogen-fixing bacteria convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form plants can use. Nitrifying bacteria convert ammonia into nitrites and nitrates, which are plant-available forms of nitrogen. Denitrifying bacteria convert nitrates back into atmospheric nitrogen, completing the cycle. Decomposer bacteria break down organic matter, releasing nitrogen back into the soil. Bacteria in the rhizosphere aid in nitrogen uptake by plants by facilitating nutrient exchange.

What are the three types of bacteria involved in nitrogen cycle?

The three types of bacteria which are involved in the nitrogen cycle are nitrogen- fixing bacteria which change the nitrogen gas into ammonia. The next is nitrifying bacteria which changes the ammonia into nitrities and then the nitriites into nitrates. Then the plant absorbs the nitrates and uses them to continue growth. Then an animal may eat the plant receiving the nitrogen from it. But it must eventually get ride of it so it produces waste which goes back into the soil and is broken down by decomposers and fungi, which then turn it back into ammonia. The cycle then repeats itself. Extra nitrates are turned back into nitrogen gas by denitrifying bacteria.

Which organism fixes nitrogen to the soil?

rhizobium, frankia, azospirlium, azotobacter

What do the denitrifying bacteria do during the denitrifying process?

Denitrifying bacteria convert nitrates (NO3-) into nitrogen gas (N2) through a series of biochemical reactions. This process helps to remove excess nitrogen from the ecosystem, playing a crucial role in the nitrogen cycle.

What do Denitrifying bacteria produce?

Denitrifying bacteria produce nitrogen gas (N2) from nitrate (NO3-) or nitrite (NO2-). This process helps return nitrogen to the atmosphere in the form of N2, completing the nitrogen cycle.

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nitrogen fixing bacteria bacteria of decay nitrifying bacteria denitrifying bacteria

What is the function of nitrifying bacteria?

Nitrifying bacteria convert ammonia into nitrites and then into nitrates in the nitrogen cycle. This process is important for recycling nitrogen in ecosystems and making it available for plants to use for growth.

What converts nitrogen from a form that can be assimilated by plants to N2.?

it is bacteria and lightening or decomposers, not sure. I am doing the same biology homework crap that Ms. elliot signed to all the students over break. i am looking for the same answer i think decomposers is the answer. its the one that makes most sense. :D

Put the steps of the nitrogen cycle in order starting with the step that removes nitrogen from the atmosphere?

N2 molecules break apart via nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Other living entities such as plants and animals ingest nitrogen in nitrate-containing compounds. Organic matter decays via decomposers. N2 is formed via denitrifying bacteria.

Which bacteria convert urea to ammonia?

nitrifying bacteria

In the nitrogen cycle bacteria combine nitrogen gas with hydrogen to form ammonia in a process?

You think probable to bacterial conversion.

What is the Economic importance of bacteria and fungi?

economic importance of bacteria : useful role in medicine : antibiotics , serums,vaccines role in agriculture : nitrogen fixing bacteria,nitrifying bacteria, denitrifying bacteria role in industry:flavours of tea, leather tanning

What organisms are responsible for keeping the nitrogen cycle flowing?

Various bacteria are responsible for carrying out key processes in the nitrogen cycle. For example, nitrogen-fixing bacteria convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form usable by plants. Other bacteria, like nitrifying bacteria, convert ammonium into nitrates, which can then be used by plants. Denitrifying bacteria convert nitrates back into atmospheric nitrogen, closing the cycle.

Which organisms are most critical in the nitrogen cycle?

Bacteria are most critical in the nitrogen cycle, specifically nitrifying bacteria that convert ammonia to nitrites and then nitrates, and denitrifying bacteria that convert nitrates back to nitrogen gas. These organisms play a crucial role in recycling nitrogen in the environment.

How do you describe five instances in the nitrogen cycle where bacterial action is important?

Nitrogen-fixing bacteria convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form plants can use. Nitrifying bacteria convert ammonia into nitrites and nitrates, which are plant-available forms of nitrogen. Denitrifying bacteria convert nitrates back into atmospheric nitrogen, completing the cycle. Decomposer bacteria break down organic matter, releasing nitrogen back into the soil. Bacteria in the rhizosphere aid in nitrogen uptake by plants by facilitating nutrient exchange.

Which organism fixes nitrogen to the soil?

rhizobium, frankia, azospirlium, azotobacter

What are the three types of bacteria involved in nitrogen cycle?

The three types of bacteria which are involved in the nitrogen cycle are nitrogen- fixing bacteria which change the nitrogen gas into ammonia. The next is nitrifying bacteria which changes the ammonia into nitrities and then the nitriites into nitrates. Then the plant absorbs the nitrates and uses them to continue growth. Then an animal may eat the plant receiving the nitrogen from it. But it must eventually get ride of it so it produces waste which goes back into the soil and is broken down by decomposers and fungi, which then turn it back into ammonia. The cycle then repeats itself. Extra nitrates are turned back into nitrogen gas by denitrifying bacteria.