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DNA is replicated in the Synthesis stage of the cell cycle.

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Lupe Hahn

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Q: What copies the DNA in the cell cycle?
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How does a virus multiplied?

A virus injects its DNA into the host cell making it produce multiple copies of that DNA and multiple copies of the protein capsule of that virus. After a while, the host cell becomes full of many copies of that virus, then the host cell explodes releasing all the new viruses. If the host cell is a bacterium and the the virus is a bacterophage, this phenomenon is done in two ways either by the lytic cycle in which virus DNA survives and the bacterial cell is destroyed,or the lysogenic cycle in which virus DNA is incorporated in the host cell DNA.

DNA replication occurs during which stage of the cell cycle?

DNA replication occurs during the S phase of the cell cycle. This is when the DNA in the cell is duplicated to produce two identical copies.

What is the stage of the cell cycle when the cell carries out its functions and replicates its DNA?

The stage of the cell cycle when the cell carries out its functions and replicates its DNA is the S phase, which stands for synthesis phase. This is when DNA replication occurs, resulting in two identical copies of each chromosome.

DNA is copied in which stage of the cell cycle?

DNA is copied during the S phase of the cell cycle. This is when DNA replication takes place, resulting in two identical copies of each chromosome.

What is happens during the s phase of the cell cycle?

DNA is replicated.

What are the two copies of DNA on each chromosome that form just before cell division?

The two copies of DNA on each chromosome that form just before cell division are called sister chromatids. Sister chromatids are identical copies of the original chromosome that are created during DNA replication in the S phase of the cell cycle. They are held together by a structure called the centromere.

The phase in which DNA copies itself?

The phase in which DNA copies itself is called DNA replication. This process occurs during the S phase of the cell cycle and involves the synthesis of a new DNA strand using the existing DNA strand as a template. DNA replication is essential for cell division and passing on genetic information to daughter cells.

When does a cell copy its DNA?

The chromosomes are replicated so they are able to be split into daughter cells through the cell cycle.

When does DNA occur in the cell cycle?

All of it.The cell cycle describes the state of the DNA in the cell.

When does DNA replication opccur?

whenever a cell divide it has to make equal copies of chromosoes! so it synthesis during the cell cycle phases, before mitosis..

What is the specific process during which the cell copies its DNA?

The specific process during which a cell copies its DNA is called DNA replication. This process occurs before cell division and involves the DNA molecule unwinding and each strand serving as a template for the creation of a new complementary strand. DNA replication ensures that each daughter cell receives an identical copy of the parent cell's DNA.

As a cell increases in size does it usually make extra copies of DNA?

No, as a cell increases in size, it doesn't necessarily make extra copies of DNA. Instead, the existing DNA is replicated during the cell cycle to ensure that each daughter cell receives a complete set of genetic information. The cell's growth and DNA replication are coordinated processes regulated by various cellular mechanisms.