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When it is just spewed out of the vulcano, it runs down the sides of the mountain for a bit until it solidifies as vulcanic rock because of the relatively colder air around it. In some cases vulcanoes can be surrounded by water in which case as soon as the lava touches the water, it quickly solidifies. In yet other ccases, vulcanoes can erupt underwater spewing out balls of rock which still contain some molten lava in their inside.

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Q: What cools the temperature of lava?
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What happened to lava when it cools?

Extrusive igneous rock is formed from the crystallization of minerals as the lava cools.

How does molten lava change into a solid?

Molten lava cools down and solidifies into solid rock through a process called solidification. As the lava loses heat, the atoms and molecules within it slow down and come together to form a crystalline structure, which results in the formation of solid rock.

What rock is formed when lava cools down?

When lava cools down quickly at the surface of the Earth, it forms an igneous rock called basalt. Basalt is dark in color, fine-grained, and contains minerals such as olivine and pyroxene.

How do igneous rock forms from lava?

The lava cools.

What cools quickly on the earth's surface?

Water bodies like lakes or rivers tend to cool quickly due to their high specific heat capacity. On land, materials like metals, rocks, or concrete can cool quickly as they conduct heat away rapidly. Clear nights with minimal cloud cover can also lead to rapid cooling of the Earth's surface.

What can you do to make a graph for an lava lamp?

To make a graph for a lava lamp, you can display the temperature of the lamp's liquid contents over time. You could plot time on the x-axis and temperature on the y-axis. This graph could show the changing temperature patterns of the lava lamp as it warms up and cools down.

How does lava dry?

Lava dries by cooling and solidifying when exposed to the surface or atmosphere. As the lava cools, it transitions from a molten state to a solid state, forming rocks such as basalt or obsidian. This process can take hours to weeks, depending on the thickness and temperature of the lava flow.

What does igneous rock made of?

Igneous rocks are formed when lava cools. After a eruption, the lava cools, and the igneous rock is formed.

What cools down lava?

Lava cools down primarily through heat loss to its surroundings, such as the surrounding air and ground. Water can also cool lava quickly by causing it to solidify rapidly. Other methods include covering the lava with ash or other insulating materials to help it cool more slowly.

Does lava from a volcano go into the ground?

no, the lava cools on the surface and hardens

What rock is formed when lava cools at the service of the earth?

When lava cools at the surface of the Earth, it forms igneous rock called basalt. Basalt is a fine-grained volcanic rock that is dark in color and often found in oceanic crust and volcanic islands.

Extrusive igneous rocks form when hardens and cools.?

Extrusive igneous rocks form when magma erupts onto the Earth's surface and cools quickly, resulting in small mineral grains. This rapid cooling prevents the growth of larger mineral crystals. Examples of extrusive igneous rocks include basalt and rhyolite.