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Q: What continent is believed to be the site of the earliest giant continental land mass on earth?
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What Largest continental in world?

The largest continent on earth is Asia.

Which The theory of continental drift proposes that the earth's continents may have once been united as a super-continent but but have drifted apart over time. what is the name of the super-continent?

The super-continent proposed by the theory of continental drift is called Pangaea. It is believed to have existed about 300 million years ago and subsequently broke apart to form the continents as we know them today.

What is the Part of the earth or continent that drips gently downward under water?

The part of a continent that dips gently downward and is underwater is called the continental shelf. When a continent drops steeply in to the ocean it is called a continental slope.

What was the first Continent on planet Earth called?

The first continent on Earth is believed to have been a supercontinent called Rodinia, which formed around 1.3 billion years ago.

What is the first continent on earth?

The first continent on Earth is believed to be Pangaea, which existed around 335 million years ago. It was a supercontinent that later broke apart into the continents we have today.

At a continent-continent convergence?

At a continent-continent convergence, two continental plates collide, leading to the formation of mountain ranges through the process of continental collision. This collision results in intense folding and faulting of the Earth's crust, causing earthquakes and creating new mountain chains, such as the Himalayas.

Was earth made up of a single continent that later separated into several continents?

That is what's believed, yes. The super-continent is called Pangaea/Pangea.

What was the first invention on earth?

The wheel is often considered one of the earliest inventions on Earth. It is believed to have been invented around 3500 BC in Mesopotamia.

What is the difference between a plate and a continent?

A continent is what floats on top of the plate. There are continental and oceanic plates. The continents float on the continental plate and the ocean sits on the oceanic plate. But there are also plates that carry both continents and oceans. The plates are what causes continental drift. So basically plates are what carry the continents and oceans.

What are the seven continents called?

lithisphere if you are talking earth science pangea if you mean the super continent before continental drift(also earth science i guess lol)

What is the Victorian idea of Clay Continent reflecting the soul?

The Victorian idea of clay continent is... what you do on earth is how your soul looks and acts. If you are deformed the Victorians believed so was yous soul.

Why does the continent move over time?

It's caused by continental drift, which is the plates of the Earth's crust moving.