The Lut Desert, is a large salt desert in Kerman Province, Iran. Iran is an Islamic republic on the Persian Gulf.
None. Europe is a continent. You can't have a continent in a continent.
El Azizia Libya took the record for highest temperature ever recorded on Sept. 13, 1922 The single highest land skin temperature recorded in any year of the study was found in the Lut Desert in 2005 and measured a stunning 159.3 F (70.7 C). Lut had the highest surface temperature in 2004, 2006, 2007 and 2009 as well.
Novasqosha is on the continent of Africa.
It's not associated with a continent, but with the region of Oceania.
The Lut Desert is in Iran on the Asian continent.
The Lut Desert is in Asia.
The Lut Desert is in Iran in Asia.
The Lut Desert, is a large salt desert in Kerman Province, Iran. Iran is an Islamic republic on the Persian Gulf.
Lut Vandekeybus was born in Flanders, in Belgium.
Dasht e lut desert is in Iran
The Dasht-e Lut is a hot tropical desert in Iran.
Lut Mortelmans was born in Deurne, in Flanders, Belgium.
the lut desert has extreme tempretures of up to 71 degrees celcius.the hottest place on earth. by the way lut desert is sexy
the hottest temperature in lut is 71 degrees Celsius
Lut Mortelmans's birth name is Lutgarde Mortelmans.