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Q: What contains two or more atoms that are bound together by exchanging or sharing electrons with each other.?
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Atom are held together by sharing electrons?


How do atoms join together in a compound?

By sharing electrons.

How are atoms in a covalent bond held together?

Atoms in a covalent bond are held together by the sharing of electrons between the atoms. This sharing of electrons creates a stable electron configuration for both atoms involved, allowing them to be held together in a mutually beneficial way.

What are the model of molecules of matter?

The particles that make up matter are atoms, which are composed of protons, neutrons, and electrons. These atoms can join together to form molecules by sharing or exchanging electrons. The specific arrangement and types of atoms in a molecule determine its properties and behavior.

How is a atom defferent from a molecule?

An atom is the smallest unit of an element in its purest form. It is made from a core of protons and neutrons, and a cloud of electrons orbits the atom at extremely high speeds. A molecule is created when the electrons of two or more atoms bond together by either "sharing" electrons (covalent bond; H2O) or "exchanging" electrons (ionic bond; NaCl).

What is atoms held together by sharing electrons?

Covalent bonds are created when atoms share electrons.

How do elements combine together?

Two elements combine together by sharing electrons to form a bond.

What bonds that hold atoms together do so through the sharing or transfer of?

Chemical bonds that hold atoms together do so through the sharing or transfer of electrons. Covalent bonds involve the sharing of electrons between atoms, while ionic bonds involve the transfer of electrons from one atom to another.

What is a combination of atoms that are bonded together either by sharing or transferring electrons?


What does bonds hydrogen and oxygen?

The sharing of electrons is what bonds hydrogen and oxygen together.

What force hold nonmetals together?

This is the covalent bond based on electrons sharing.

What results from sharing electrons between nonmetals?

Sharing electrons between nonmetals results in the formation of covalent bonds. In a covalent bond, atoms share electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration. This sharing of electrons creates a strong bond that holds the atoms together.