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Q: What consequences would you find in H-R diagrams for star clusters as a result of the universe having an infinite age?
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Are there countless globular clusters in the universe?

Yes. There are countless globular clusters in the universe.

How many globular clusters are there in the universe?

There are over 15 trillion globular clusters (150 per galaxy) in the universe.

When was Approximately Infinite Universe created?

Approximately Infinite Universe was created on 1973-01-08.

If the universe is infinite then why are there a finite amount of galaxies?

It is not yet certain what size the Universe is, not even approximately - but it is probably not infinite. If you have seen an estimate about the number of galaxies in the Universe, it probably referred to the OBSERVABLE Universe, which is definitely not infinite.

Is there an infinite supply of energy in the universe?

That depends on whether the Universe itself is infinite. It is not currently known whether this is the case.

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The universe is infinite.I have only infinite love for you.

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Many people mistakenly believe the universe to be infinite.

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There are no infinite natural resources. The universe is finite.

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the universe is infinite, proven by the continuing blue shift

How can you find the center of the universe if there is no center of infinite in relation to the universe?

You can't.

How much pounds does the universe weight?

It ways infinity because the universe is infinite

How do astronomers know the universe is infinite?

The universe is not infinite. It is 156 billion light-years wide. A light-year is equivalent to about 9,500 billion km