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Cartilage is a connective tissue that is avascular, meaning it lacks blood vessels. It relies on diffusion for nutrient exchange and waste removal.

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Q: What connective tissue is not vascularized?
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Related questions

Is cartilage highly vascularized?

No, cartilage is not highly vascularized. Cartilage is a type of connective tissue that is avascular, meaning it does not contain blood vessels. This lack of blood supply is important for understanding its low regenerative capacity.

Is dense connective tissue vascularized?

Yes. An example is in the dermis, which is very vascular. Dense regular connective tissue is not, however (consists of tendons and ligaments). The other kind of CT that is not vascular is cartilage. Source: medical school lectures

Is muscle tissue well vascularized?

No. Avascular means that it does not get blood.

What does well-vascularized mean?

If tissue is well vascularized it has a suitable amount of blood vessles in it.

What tissue has good blood supply and an extensive extracellular matrix?

connective tissue

What is the tissue group with widely scattered cells?

Connective tissue is the tissue group with widely scattered cells. In connective tissue, cells are separated by an extracellular matrix composed of fibers and ground substance. Examples of connective tissue include loose connective tissue, dense connective tissue, and adipose tissue.

Which kind of tissue is blood?

Connective Tissue, because it's formed from the same embryonic layer as other connective tissues.

Scar tissue is a variety of what?

Connective tissue

Is Nails a connective tissue?

No. They are not connective tissue.

What type connective tissue is springlike and found in the middle walls of arteries?

Elastic Connective Tissue

What connective tissue surrounds the spleen?

The spleen is surrounded by a connective tissue capsule called the splenic capsule, which helps protect and support the organ.

What is connective tissue and list the major types of connective tissue in human body?

Connective tissue is a type of tissue that provides support and structure to the body. The major types of connective tissue in the human body include loose connective tissue, dense connective tissue, adipose tissue, cartilage, bone, and blood. Each type of connective tissue has specific functions and characteristics.