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Q: What conditions do animals that live in fresh water ecosystems have to adapt to?
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What would happen to the animals and plants in saltwater ecosystem if it were flooded by fresh water?

The sudden influx of fresh water could disturb the delicate balance of saltwater ecosystems by altering the salinity levels. This change could stress or even kill many of the animals and plants that are adapted to specific saltwater conditions, leading to a decline in biodiversity and potential ecosystem collapse.

What is the weather of freshwater ecosystem?

Freshwater ecosystems can have varied weather conditions depending on the region. They can experience changes in temperature, precipitation, and sunlight throughout the year. Weather patterns like rainfall, snowfall, and temperature fluctuations can affect the water levels and overall health of freshwater ecosystems.

What is a coastal inlet or bay called where fresh water mixes with salt water?

A coastal inlet or bay where fresh water mixes with salt water is called an estuary. Estuaries are important ecosystems that support a diverse array of plant and animal species due to the mix of freshwater and saltwater conditions.

How are fresh water ecosystems and saltwater ecosystems the same?

Freshwater and saltwater ecosystems both support a variety of plant and animal species, and both play crucial roles in global nutrient cycling. Both ecosystems also face threats from pollution, climate change, and habitat destruction. Additionally, they both provide important ecosystem services, such as water purification and carbon sequestration.

The organisms that zooplankton feed on in fresh water ecosystems are?

Zooplankton in fresh water ecosystems primarily feed on phytoplankton, bacteria, and organic detritus. They can also consume small algae, protozoa, and sometimes even other zooplankton. Their diet can vary depending on the specific species of zooplankton and the available food sources in their environment.

Related questions

How are fresh water ecosystems and saltwater ecosystems the same?

Freshwater and saltwater ecosystems both support a variety of plant and animal species, and both play crucial roles in global nutrient cycling. Both ecosystems also face threats from pollution, climate change, and habitat destruction. Additionally, they both provide important ecosystem services, such as water purification and carbon sequestration.

What body of water requires animals to adapt to both salt and fresh water?

Estuaries are bodies of water where rivers meet the sea, creating a mix of saltwater and freshwater. Animals in these environments have to adapt to fluctuating salinity levels, making them capable of handling both salt and fresh water conditions. Examples of animals found in estuaries include crabs, oysters, and fish like salmon.

What body of water requires animals to adapt both salt and fresh water?

Quick and Dirty: Brackish.

What are primal oceans?

primal oceans are oceans that are fresh watered oceans thatmarine life animals can live in and can adapt to

How does the amazon doliphine adapt to fresh water?

how does the amazon dolphin adapt to fresh water

What are the plants and animals found in salt marshes?

If an animal were to adapt to a salt marsh, they would have to adapt to the climate. It varies sometimes but mostly they would have to adapt to the water source. In a salt marsh, they have brachish water, which is a mixture of salt water and fresh water, and it usually leads out into another river or stream somewhere close by, but they would have to adapt to the water, which only some animals can.

Difference between fresh water and marine water?

Differences in fresh water and marine biomes are:Marine biomes have more salt than freshwater biomes.They have different animals; some animals cannot survive in saltwater conditions, so they are freshwater animals.Three fourths (3/4) of the water on earth is made up of marine biomes, while freshwater biomes are found inland as rivers, lakes, and ponds.

Aquatic ecosystems where fresh and saltwater meet are called?


What are an abiotic factor in fresh water ecosystems?

Rocks and sand.

What are freshwater ecosystem?

reshwater ecosystems are anything from ponds and lakes to rivers and streams. Anything that lives in/around fresh water sources. Even swamps are considered fresh water ecosystems.

What type of aquatic ecosystems are formed by mixture of salt and fresh water?

Estuaries are aquatic ecosystems formed by the mixture of saltwater from the ocean and freshwater from rivers. They are characterized by fluctuating salinity levels and support a diverse array of plant and animal species. Estuaries are important for nutrient cycling, sediment trapping, and serving as nursery grounds for many marine organisms.

What are two fresh water ecosystems?

flowing water and standing water