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Q: What conclusion do geographers draw when they observe moraines and mdashridgelike piles of rock and debris a volcano erupted there chemical weathering has occurred a fault lies nearby a glacier once c?
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What starts chemical weathering?

Chemical weathering is primarily started by the presence of water and acidic substances, such as carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which can react with minerals in rocks to break them down. Other factors, like temperature changes, biological activity, and the presence of certain minerals, can also influence the rate of chemical weathering.

How are weathering and chemical weathering related?

mechanical weathering and chemical weathering are related because their both are types of weathering

What type of weathering creates caves or caverns?

Chemical weathering, particularly when acidic water dissolves and erodes the rock, can create caves or caverns over time. This process is common in limestone regions where the rock is easily dissolved by carbonic acid found in rainwater.

Is acid chemical weathering or mechanical weathering?


What is aonther word for chemical weathering?

chemical weathering

What is different between physical weathering and chemical weathering?

Physical weathering is breaking down of rocks by weather that does not change their chemical components. Chemical weathering is weathering that breaks rocks down by a chemical change.

What occurs as the results of a rocks exposure to a chemical?

The answer will depend on what the chemical is! A rock exposed to nitrogen, under normal temperature and pressure will be no different from what it would be otherwise!

Is a road way is a physical weathering or chemical weathering?


Sentence with the word chemical weathering?

chemical weathering is okward

Is animal action mechanical or chemical weathering?

Chemical weathering

Is fog a physical or chemical weathering?

Fog is a chemical weathering.

What type of weathering causes acid rain?

Chemical weathering causes acid rain. When sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are released into the atmosphere from human activities, they combine with water vapor to form sulfuric acid and nitric acid, which then fall to the earth's surface as acid rain.